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Amt Electronics “ss-20″

Black Bird

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AMT Electronics SS-20



The Features of SS-20:

- High-grade high-voltage feed of triodes.

- Complete elimination of operational amplifiers traditionally used in hybrid preamps

for sound amplification and processing.

- Application of special semi-conductor amplifiers modeling triode-based harmonics and

providing signal amplitude necessary for high-grade valve operation.

The architecture of SS-20:

–Ttwo high-grade channels CLEAN and DRIVE with the possibility of Drive-channel operation

in two basic modes: moderate sensitivity (CRUNCH) and high sensitivity (LEAD).

– Effects Loop Send and Return.

– Operation via both direct unaltered signal for guitar amplifiers heads, combos,

and speakers (OUTPUT jack) as well as speaker cabinet compensated output for mixing consoles,

computers, or other recording devices.

The SS-20 uses the original cabinet emulator, however, ONLY in direct out mode!

It models the amplitude-frequency characteristics of guitar amplification systems

for the most accurate reproduction and ease of recording direct. Secondly,

it simulates own nonlinearity of dynamic head peculiar to instrumental loudspeakers,

that in its turn colors the output signal with short-range harmonics making it live and closer to real

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Мен лично ме кефи :godbless: И на вид и на звук :thumbs_up: Много добре са го докарали т'ва АМТ наистина ...


Сега едни подобни лампови (2 х 12АХ7) кутийки прототипи са на тестове в мен, като са готови - един наш съфорумник ще си ги пусне сам тук :godbless:



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