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Всичко публикувано от Parni_Valjak

  1. А на мен ми трябва печено глиганче! Кой те е възпитавал Diemitko? Няма ли " Моля""," Ако обичате", ".Благодаря"? Този форум да не е благотворителна агенция от балами, на които единствената цел в живота е да удовлетвряват желанията на невъзпитани тролове? Аман от "ИСКАМммм " Опитай пак, само че преди влизане се чука на вратата !
  2. Е, това вече е друго. Няма да стане. Нито да се събере в дланта, нито да стане с просто събиране и изваждане. Това за дланта е много интересно... Защо не начертаеш габаритните размери на трафовете, електролитите, лампите с цоклите и т.н. за да се ориентираш колко ти е голяма дланта? Нещо ми се върти в главата , че в миналото имаше тема за тази ЕЛФА, където коментирах за входния нувистор, но не се сещам да имаше резултат. Имам чувството , че и сега ще стигнем до кривата круша. Я по-добре се обади на Дими,както ти предложи.
  3. Е, добре де, тези причини да не са засекретени като досиетата на перачите на пари? Или трябва темата да стане 10 страници за да се разбере най-накрая за какво се говори? Кой тук е заинтересования да получава информация? Не се ли научихте вече толкова години как се води тема и как се стига до правилните резултати?
  4. Да, задължително е да са разделени масите/общия проводник на отделните елементи на системата ефекти/усилвател. Това , което се е получило е класически вариант на Ground Loops (Земни кръгове/вериги). Друго решение освен отделни захранвания или едно с галванически разделени изходи, е употреба на истинска Direct Injection Box с галанично разделяне. Евтините Беригери не са такива. Radial има модели за тази цел. И понеже За LOOP са необходими 2(две) DIboxes, цената изобщо няма да е приемлива. Затова най-разумното решение е да се използват отделни захранвания...
  5. Albinoni: Adagio in G minor Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra, Recorded at the Basilica of the Pannonhalma Archabbey, Hungary. http://youtu.be/PEzuXJ0rOJM
  6. Aphrodite's Child - It's Five O'Clock http://youtu.be/l4WkKLmbBQo It's five o'clock And I walk through the empty streets Thoughts fill my head But then still No one speaks to me My mind takes me back To the years that have passed me by It is so hard te believe That it's me That I see In the window pane It it so hard to believe That all this the way That it has to be It's five o'clock And I walk through the empty streets The night is my friend And in him I find sympathy Thus so And so I go back to the years that have past me by It is so hard to believe That it's me That I see In the window pane It it so hard to believe That all this the way That it has to be It's five o'clock And I walk through the empty streets The night is my friend And in him I find sympathy He gives me day Gives me hope And a little dream too RAIN AND TEARS - APHRODITE'S CHILD http://youtu.be/gtz5XTtbz4M Rain and tears, are the same But in the sun You've got to play the game When you cry In winter time You can pretend It's nothing but the rain How many times I've seen Tears coming from your blue eyes Rain and tears, are the same But in the sun You've got to play the game Give me an answer, love (o----ooohhh) I need an answer, love (o----ooohhh) Rain and tears in the sun But in your heart You feel the rainbow waves Rain and tears Both I shun For in my heart there 'll never be a sun Rain and tears, are the same But in the sun You've got to play the game Game .. APHRODITE's CHILD - Marie Jolie http://youtu.be/IbjhJ8PE3eM Sometimes I feel That I'm all alone And I wonder what I'd do If I couldn't turn to you You are all my life And more take this love I give Marie Jolie Marie Jolie The seasons change But love remains Growing like a rose in spring All the summer sun can bring I will find when I'm with you You are all I have Marie Jolie Marie Jolie I know there'll be Sad times for me But as long as you are there I know that I'll need not to care Love is everywhere you are My life is the girl Marie Jolie Marie Jolie But if you keep your love from me I will have no way to turn I will find it hard to learn Living life without a dream Which way will I be Marie Jolie Marie Jolie
  7. Gilbert O`Sullivan - CLAIR http://youtu.be/sU9fClvdo5s Clair, the moment I met you, I swear I felt as if something, somewhere Had happened to me, which I couldn't see And then, the moment I met you, again I knew in my heart that we were friends It had to be so, it couldn't be no But try as hard as I might do, I don't know why You get to me in a way I can't describe Words mean so little when you look up and smile I don't care what people say To me you're more than a child Oh, Clair Clair Clair, if ever a moment so rare Was captured for all to compare That moment is you in all that you do But why in spite of our age difference do I cry Each time I leave you I feel I could die Nothing means more to me than hearing you say "I'm going to marry you Will you marry me, Uncle Ray ? " Oh, Clair Clair Clair, I've told you before "Don't you dare" "Get back into bed" "Can't you see that it's late" "No you can't have a drink" "Oh, alright then, but wait just a bit " While I, in an effort to babysit, capture my breath What there is left of it You can be murder at this hour of the day But in the morning this hour will seem a lifetime away Oh Clair Clair Oh Clair Gilbert O'Sullivan - Alone Again (original version) http://youtu.be/D_P-v1BVQn8 In a little while from now If I'm not feeling any less sour I promise myself to treat myself And visit a nearby tower And climbing to the top Will throw myself off In an effort to make clear to whomever What it's like when you're shattered Left standing in the lurch At a church where people saying My God, that's tough, she stood him up No point in us remaining We may as well go home As I did on my own Alone again, naturally To think that only yesterday I was cheerful, bright, and gay Looking forward to, well, who wouldn't do The role I was about to play But, as if to knock me down Reality came around And without so much as a mere touch Cut me into little pieces Leaving me to doubt Talk about God in His mercy Who, if He really does exist Why did He desert me? And in my hour of need I truly am, indeed Alone again, naturally It seems to me that there are more hearts Broken in the world that can't be mended Left unattended What do we do? What do we do? Alone again, naturally Now, looking back over the years And whatever else that appears I remember I cried when my father died Never wishing to hide the tears And at sixty-five years old My mother, God rest her soul Couldn't understand why the only man She had ever loved had been taken Leaving her to start With a heart so badly broken Despite encouragement from me No words were ever spoken And when she passed away I cried and cried all day Alone again, naturally Alone again, naturally
  8. Смела крачка. Пожелавам успех!
  9. Има само една подробност - с този NEUTRIK може само да се смъкват високите, а не може да се повдигат. С превключвателя се свързват различни капацитети паралелно на кабела. Не би имало проблем да се направи подобно конструктивно решение с превключвател за повдигане или повдигане и сваляне на високите, но при подобна цена дали ще има много желаещи да се обзаведат с такова , вместо за подобна или малко по-висока цена да се направи специализирано "Custom" решение с повече възможности. Било към китарата или към усилвателя.
  10. Присетих се, че има един не добре издържан вариант, който обаче може лесно и относително добре да свърши работа. Без да се разперчатосва усилвателя . Не знам доколко ще е удачен, но може да се опита. Прави се един честотно компенсиран (прекомпенсиран), високоомен делител между китарата и входа на усилвателя. Може да се мушне в мъжкия жак, който влиза в усилвателя. Ето това > И ще има горе долу следния ефект> Ще има затихване от 12 dB ( 4 пъти) за 6-та, и плавно ще отива към 0dB (без загуби) нагоре. Не пречи да се опита и с други стойности, за да се намали повдигането на високите, което в дадения случай е доста сериозно. Трябва обаче да се експериментира, защото има разни влияния, които не се отчитат от използвания математически модел и действителността ще е малко по-различна от посочения резултат. Успех !
  11. emosms, направо ми настръхна косата когато прочетох, че съм ти "колега". Моля те, избягвай това определение ...
  12. Слушайки серията "Pioneers of rock" на Suzy Quatro по BBC 2, попаднах на предаване за Patsy Cline. С голямо удоволствие представям- Patsy Cline "Crazy" When her Four Star contract expired in 1960, Cline signed with Decca Records-Nashville, under the direction of legendary producer Owen Bradley. He was not only responsible for much of the success behind Cline's recording career, but also for the careers of Brenda Lee and Loretta Lynn. Thanks to her vocal versatility, and with the help of Bradley's direction and arrangements, Cline enjoyed both country and pop success. Bradley's arrangements incorporated strings and other instruments not typical of country recordings of the day. He considered Cline's voice best-suited for country pop-crossover songs, and helped smooth her voice into the silky, torch song style for which she is famous. Nevertheless, she did not really enjoy singing pop material. This new, more sophisticated instrumental style became known as The Nashville Sound, founded by Bradley and RCAs Chet Atkins, who produced Jim Reeves, Skeeter Davis, Connie Smith, and Eddy Arnold. Оригинално изпълнение от 60-те години. http://youtu.be/Zzq5X-p2C0Y Crazy Crazy for feeling so lonely I'm crazy Crazy for feeling so blue I knew You'd love me as long as you wanted And then someday You leave me for somebody new Worry Why do I let myself worry Wondring What in the world did I do Crazy For thinking that my love could hold you I'm crazy for trying I'm crazy for crying I'm crazy for loving you Crazy For thinking that my love could hold you I'm crazy for trying I'm crazy for crying I'm crazy for loving you По-добро качество на записа, стерео оригинал. Patsy Cline - Crazy (Original Stereo) http://youtu.be/EG2VwuMY7CA
  13. Пиши като го оправиш... http://dox.bg/files/dw?a=603e7991de
  14. 1, 2... Не, не може между усилвателя и кабинета. Може евентуално преди крайното стъпало. Ако апаратурката има LOOP, може да се нaправи външно устройство, но пасивното решение няма как да не намали силата на звука. Понеже става дума само за "Bright", може и само един пасивен високочестотен контрол. Много зависи каква е машината и какъв е бюджета. Естествено и какво се очаква като промяна. Качественото решение е активен тонкоректор (graphic equalizer, parametric equalizer, 3 way tone control и т.н.). Ако няма LOOP, трябва да се направи. Така ще може да се променя външното устройство, без да се налага всяка промяна да е свързана с разглобяване и сглобяване. 10 !
  15. Сигурен съм, че Perez Prado е неизвестен на младото поколение, но заслужава да бъде представен, защото е основна фигура в музикалния свят. Що се отнася до хореографията в представените изпълнения, тя е забележителна и може да бъде учебник по пластика и сценично поведение... ORIGINAL QUE RICO EL MAMBO http://youtu.be/KLfvO9xu8fs Desde Lima vengo a mi Machaguay Desde Lima vengo a mi Machaguay a bailar el mambo de mi Machaguay a bailar el mambo de mi Machaguay Por el cerro negro me la voy a llevar Por el cerro negro me la voy a llevar a la maraqueña me la voy a robar a la maraqueña me la voy a robar Mambo!, que rico el mambo Mambo de Machaguay Mambo!, que rico el mambo Mambo de Machaguay Mambo!, que rico el mambo Mambo de Machaguay Mambo!, que rico el mambo Mambo de Machaguay Si tocan la puerta, señora yo soy Si tocan la puerta, señora yo soy vengo a despedirme, mañana me voy vengo a despedirme, mañana me voy Mambo!, que rico el mambo Mambo de Machaguay Mambo!, que rico el mambo Mambo de Machaguay Mambo!, que rico el mambo Mambo de Machaguay Mambo!, que rico el mambo Mambo de Machaguay Lilia Prado - Mambo From the film "Pobre Corazón" Arrangement by Pérez Prado http://youtu.be/qJ10tn43H5M ITS CHA CHA CHA Две композиции в духа на XAVIER CUGAT, изпълнени от оркестъра на Перец Прадо. Записът не е с идеално качество, защото е отпреди много години, но духът на изпълнителите, чувството с което свирят, е на светлинни години от съвремието ни... http://youtu.be/okQkQx6dsc4
  16. Bread - Everything I Own http://youtu.be/zNtC95e2-F4 You sheltered me from harm Kept me warm, kept me warm You gave my life to me Set me free, set me free The finest years I ever knew Were all the years I had with you And I would give anything I own Give up my life, my heart, my home I would give everything I own Just to have you back again You taught me how to love What it's of, what it's of You never said too much But still you showed the way And I knew from watching you Nobody else could ever know The part of me that can't let go And I would give anything I own Give up my life, my heart, my home I would give everything I own Just to have you back again Is there someone you know You're loving them so But taking them all for granted You may lose them one day Someone takes them away And they don't hear the words you long to say I would give anything I own Give up my life, my heart, my home I would give everything I own Just to have you back again Just to touch you once again BREAD - BABY I'M A WANT YOU http://youtu.be/h_tbv8HXsXA Baby I'm-a want you Baby I'm-a need you You're the only one I care enough to hurt about Maybe I'm-a crazy But I just can't live without your lovin' and affection Givin' me direction like a guiding light to help me through a darkest hour Lately I'm a-prayin' that you'll always be a-stayin' beside me Used to be my life was just emotions passing by Feeling all the while and never really knowing why Lately I'm a-prayin' that you'll always be a-stayin' beside me. Used to be my life was just emotions passing by Then you came along and made me laugh and made me cry You taught me why Baby I'm-a want you Baby I'm-a need you Oh, it took so long to find you, baby Baby I'm-a want you Baby I'm-a need you BREAD - DOWN ON MY KNEES http://youtu.be/NjqvC8Rh444 I've told you before Don't you hear what i say? I won't take it no more no more making me stay Down on my knees You know i'm down on my knees, yeah Yes i've been down on my knees, but i'm through begging please I wont get back on my knees, yeah Nobody knows what your putting me through Nobody knows if it's worth it for you Nobody sees you got me down on my knees, yeah Well i've been down on my knees, well I'm through begging please don't put my back on my knees, yeah You know that i always loved you Never placed myself above you Don't let me go with my ways that i could Don't tell me no with my ways that you would Down on my knees You've brought me down on my knees, yeah Well i've been down on my knees, but I'm through begging please don't put me back on my knees, yeah You know how i always loved you There's no time that i have tried to place myself above you Down on my knees You know that i'm down on my knees, yeah Well i've been down on my knees, but I'm through beggin' please don't put me back on my knees, yeah Ya i've been down on, but I'm through begging please don't put me back on my knees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  17. The Marmalade - Reflections of My Life 1970 http://youtu.be/vnbY089cQlw The changing of sunlight to moonlight Reflections of my life Oh, how they fill my eyes The greetings of people in trouble Reflections of my life Oh, how they fill my eyes All my sorrow Sad tomorrow Take me back to my old home All my crying (all my crying) Feel I'm dying, dying Take me back to my old home I'm changing, arranging I'm changing, I'm changing everything Ah, everything around me The world is a bad place A bad place, a terrible place to live Oh, but I don't wanna die All my sorrow Sad tomorrow Take me back to my old home All my crying (all my crying) Feel I'm dying, dying Take me back to my old home All my sorrow (all my sorrow) Sad towmorrow Take me back (take me back) to my old home All my crying (all my crying) Feel I'm dying, dying
  18. Tombe la neige - SALVATORE ADAMO http://youtu.be/_64nc_NLE_I Tombe la neige Tu ne viendras pas ce soir Tombe la neige Et mon coeur s'habille de noir Ce soyeux cortege Tout en larmes blanches L'oiseau sur la branche Pleure le sortilege Tu ne viendras pas ce soir Me crie mon désespoir Mais tombe la neige Impassible manege Tombe la neige Tu ne viendras pas ce soir Tombe la neige Tout est blanc de désespoir Triste certitude Le froid et l'absence Cet odieux silence Blanche solitude Tu ne viendras pas ce soir Me crie mon désespoir Mais tombe la neige Impassible manege Adamo - La Nuit http://youtu.be/egWpdU7FvxA Si je t'oublie pendant le jour, je passe mes nuits à te maudire Et quand la lune se retire, j'ai l'âme vide et le cœur lourd La nuit, tu m'apparais immense, je tends les bras pour te saisir Mais tu prends un malin plaisir à te jouer de mes avances La nuit je deviens fou, je deviens fou Et puis ton rire fend le noir, et je ne sais plus où chercher Quand tout se tait, revient l'espoir et je me reprends à t'aimer Tantôt tu me reviens fugace et tu m'appelles pour me narguer Mais chaque fois mon sang se glace, ton rire vient tout effacer La nuit je deviens fou, je deviens fou Le jour dissipe ton image et tu repars, je ne sais où Vers celui qui te tient en cage, celui qui va me rendre fou La nuit je deviens fou, je deviens fou.
  19. Смяна на преобразувател - единственно чрез AKG, през специализиран, авторизиран сервиз.Съмнявам се обаче изобщо в рентабилността на действието. Не само тамошните, но и нашенските цени няма да са малко..Е, ще има разлика, но като цяло все е тая.
  20. След толкова еквилибристики не ти ли дойде на ума да се измерят слушалките? Или поне да се пуснат различни честоти; после пак с по-високо ниво и така докато се появи проблема. Дистанционо не може да се решават технически проблеми. И да откриеш, че се проявява дефекта при определени условия, какво можеш да направиш? Може да е отлепена част от намотката на шпулата да речем. Как мислиш, че ще се оправиш с това? Да наклепеш с нещо и после ще остане само да ги изхвърлиш... По-добре не се опитвай да правиш това, за което не си подготвен и екипиран. Слушалките са финна работа и никак не е лесно да се справи всеки с тях.
  21. Parni_Valjak

    Bugera - изненада

    На второ четене само предусилвателя е с лампи... Не че нещо, ама този надпис "Valve Bass Amplifier" е половинчата лъжа. С други думи примамка за хора, които могат да се хванат. На това разчитат от маркетинга на фирмата.
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