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Всичко публикувано от Parni_Valjak

  1. Lulu - To Sir With Lovе Една песен, към която съм силно емоционално привързан... Беше 1968, аз на 14. А все си мисля, че беше вчера. http://youtu.be/D46_5m328Bg http://youtu.be/CbjMVpK_utU Those schoolgirl days, of telling tales and biting nails are gone, But in my mind, I know they will still live on and on, But how do you thank someone, who has taken you from crayons to perfume? It isn't easy, but I'll try, If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters, That would soar a thousand feet high, To Sir, with Love The time has come, For closing books and long last looks must end, And as I leave, I know that I am leaving my best friend, A friend who taught me right from wrong, And weak from strong, That's a lot to learn, What, what can I give you in return? If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start, But I, would rather you let me give my heart, To Sir, with Love Lulu Kennedy-Cairns, OBE (born Marie McDonald McLaughlin Lawrie, 3 November 1948, Lennoxtown, Stirlingshire), best known by her stage name Lulu, is a Scottish singer-songwriter, actress, and television personality who has been successful in the entertainment business from the 1960s through to the present day. She is famous in the USA for the film theme "To Sir, with Love" and in the UK for her first hit "Shout" and her Eurovision Song Contest winning entry "Boom Bang-a-Bang" among others. Lulu grew up in Dennistoun, Glasgow, where she attended Thomson Street Primary School and Onslow Drive Junior School. She lived in Gallowgate for a while before moving to Garfield Street. At the age of 12 or 13 she and her manager approached a band called the Bellrocks seeking stage experience as a singer. She appeared with them every Saturday night: Alex Thomson, the group's bass player, has reported that even then her voice was unbelievable. In 1967 she made her debut film To Sir, with Love, a British vehicle for Sidney Poitier. She had a major hit with the title song reaching number one in the United States. In the UK, it was released on the B-side of "Let's Pretend", a # 11 hit, but "To Sir, with Love" sold over a million copies and was awarded a gold disc. In the meantime she continued her thriving pop career in the UK and had several television series of her own. After appearing on the BBC in 1967 in a successful TV series that featured music and comedy, Three Of A Kind, Lulu was given her own TV series in 1968, which ran annually until 1975 under various titles including Lulu's Back In Town, Happening For Lulu, Lulu and It's Lulu which featured Adrienne Posta. Her BBC series featured music and comedy sketches and star guests, one episode remains famous for Jimi Hendrix's unruly live appearance. From 30 June to 2 July 1967 she appeared with The Monkees at the Empire Pool, Wembley. Rumors of a romance with Davy Jones of The Monkees were rife but were probably mostly publicity. Read More: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lulu_(singer)
  2. Понеже английския не е първа сила на повечето за които е предназначен този коментар - Убеден съм, че няма да се "поеме" смисъла на казаното, защото причините са много и надълбоко , но ако не опитваме, съвсем няма да има шанс за оправяне... Както един приятел каза за моите опити за просвещение в един друг форум: един да поеме, има смисъл!
  3. Много интересен въпрос . Обаче е непълен. Остава да се определят мощност, вид, ценови диапазон... Подтекстът който се набива е: не да се купи, а да се направи. Защо ли? Прозира идеята за по-евтинко. Може би съм мнителен и бъркам в преценката. Хайде сега да видим доколко ценовата преценка на питащия ще е адекватна на едно "Custom" лампово крайно стъпало. А след това ще видим колко хора ще се заинтересуват от неговото предложение. Иначе въпросът остава да виси като спам, нали?
  4. Още едно велико изпълнение на The Mamas & The Papas - Monday Monday, 1967 http://youtu.be/h81Ojd3d2rY Monday Monday, so good to me, Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be Oh Monday morning, Monday morning couldn't guarantee That Monday evening you would still be here with me. Monday Monday, can't trust that day, Monday Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way Oh Monday morning, you gave me no warning of what was to be Oh Monday Monday, how yould cou leave and not take me. Every other day, every other day, Every other day of the week is fine, yeah But whenever Monday comes, but whenever Monday comes You can find me cryin' all of the time Monday Monday, so good to me, Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be Oh Monday morning, Monday morning couldn't guarantee That Monday evening you would still be here with me. Every other day, every other day, Every other day of the week is fine, yeah But whenever Monday comes, but whenever Monday comes You can find me cryin' all of the time Monday Monday, ...
  5. Естествено, че заземяването е част от земните вериги и да, влияе, защото през общата връзка на заземяването на всички участници в системата е "вътре" в сигналите, а не "отвън". Решаването на подобни проблеми не е лесна работа, и колкото повече навързани неща има, толкова повече кръгове се получават. Изолирането на заземяването на шукото прекъсва именно една от важните вериги на земните кръгове, но не е правилно, защото при един пробив на изолация някъде из устройствата, ще се появи 220 волта директно на корпуса на микрофона или на струните на китарата. Това не би било безкрайно опасно, ако тези два елемента не се характеризираха с една особеност на употребата им. А именно, че се хващат с вътрешната част на ръката. Когато се подаде напрежение с достатъчен потенциал и достатъчен ток, мускулите на пръстите се свиват и стягат хватката, което води до още по-силен ток и още по-силен захват. Изход от това положение няма, освен ако друг човек не прекъсне веригата. Така е, защото свиването на мускулите не може да се промени съзнателно и за нула време изхода е летален. Сега ще отида в област недолюбвана от мнозинството - решението на този вид проблеми не е евтино решение. Наложително е достатъчно количество истински DI boxes с галванично разделяне, разделителни трансформатори с филтри в мрежовите структури и дори устройства, наречени електрически станции, които разделят галванически и поддържат чисто мрежово напрежение. И не на последно място квалифицирани специалисти, които знаят как и какво да направят, за да изчистят проблемите. Не става с подръпване и побарване! Не става и с "нещо да се запои". По тези въпроси съм писал не един път, но кой го е еня да чете, Даже ми се е запечатал един коментар от подобна тема - "Хваща ме ток като пипам струните, ще и стане ли нещо на КИТАРАТА?" Тогава още нямаше "бисери", иначе щеше да е на първите места в класацията...
  6. Прав е travelcaster2, ако не там, то в бисерите твърдо има място! След подобни проучвания се чудя за какво някои хора се мъчим да обясняваме, като накрая файда няма. Хайде, нихилизмът към нашенски писания е ясен, ама при толкова много информация в чужди сайтове пак да се пишат глупости, ееее, не!
  7. Този метод е много удобен, ако тъщата ползва апаратурата... Не един музикант е загинал от токов удар. Може следващият да си ти!
  8. Guess Who - These Eyes http://youtu.be/-lYV45vaG8Q Written by Randy Bachman - 'B' side of their #10 hit single "Laughing" - peaked at #22 in 1969 She's come undun She didn't know what she was headed for And when I found what she was headed for It was too late She's come undun She found a mountain that was far too high And when she found out she couldn't fly It was too late It's too late She's gone too far She's lost the sun She's come undun She wanted truth but all she got was lies Came the time to realize And it was too late She's come undun She didn't know what she was headed for And when I found what she was headed for Mama, it was too late It's too late She's gone too far She's lost the sun She's come undun Too many mountains, and not enough stairs to climb Too many churches and not enough truth Too many people and not enough eyes to see Too many lives to lead and not enough time It's too late She's gone too far She's lost the sun She's come undun Doe-doe-doe-doe-doe doe un doe-doe-doe un doe-doe-doe Doe doe-doe-doe-doe un doe-doe-doe doe-doe-doe Doe doe-doe-doe doe doe-doe-doe doe doe ------ flute ------ It's too late She's gone too far She's lost the sun She's come undun She didn't know what she was headed for And when I found what she was headed for It was too late She's come undun She found a mountain that was far too high And when she found out she couldn't fly Mama, it was too late It's too late She's gone too far She's lost the sun She's come undun No no-no-no-no-no no Doe doe doe-doe
  9. Steppenwolf - Born to be wild 1969 Steppenwolf - Born to be wild 1969 (Soundtrack of the road film 'Easy Rider') http://youtu.be/5UWRypqz5-o Get your motor runnin' Head out on the highway Lookin' for adventure And whatever comes our way Yeah Darlin' go make it happen Take the world in a love embrace Fire all of your guns at once And explode into space I like smoke and lightning Heavy metal thunder Racin' with the wind And the feelin' that I'm under Yeah Darlin' go make it happen Take the world in a love embrace Fire all of your guns at once And explode into space Like a true nature's child We were born, born to be wild We can climb so high I never wanna die Born to be wild Born to be wild
  10. Canned Heat - On The Road Again "On The Road Again" at Beat Club, 14.09.1968. In 1965, the blues- and boogie-rock band Canned Heat was formed in Los Angeles by guitar and harmonica player Alan "Blind Owl" Wilson and lead singer Bob "The Bear" Hite. They took the name for the band from an old delta blues song called Canned Heat Blues written by Tommy Johnson in 1928. The worldwide hit On The Road Again is best known for Wilsons unique high-pitched vocals and famous for its harmonica solo. Beside playing at all major festivals of the 60s Woodstock, Monterey Pop, Isle of Wight the band also travelled to Europe for concerts and TV appearances, e.g. the German Beat Club, where they performed the song in a lip-synched version. Tragically, on September 3, 1970 Alan Wilson died of a barbiturate overdose which led to numerous line-up changes in the following years. But the band still plays on today in the fifth decade of their existence. http://youtu.be/QexOuH8GS-Y Well, I'm so tired of crying, but i'm out on the road again. - I'm on the road again. Well, I'm so tired of crying, but I'm out on the road again. - I'm on the road again. I ain't got no woman Just to call my special friend. You know the first time I traveled out in the rain and snow, - In the rain and snow. You know the first time I traveled out in the rain and snow, - In the rain and snow. I didn't have no payroll, Not even no place to go. And my dear mother left me when I was quite young, - When I was quite young. And my dear mother left me when I was quite young, - When I was quite young. She said "Lord, have mercy On my wicked son." Take a hint from me, mama, please don't you cry no more, - Don't you cry no more. Take a hint from me, mama, please don't you cry no more, - Don't you cry no more. 'Cause it's soon one morning Down the road I'm going. But I aint going down that long old lonesome road All by myself. But I aint going down that long old lonesome road All by myself. I can't carry you, Baby, Gonna carry somebody else.
  11. Нещата са много по-сложни от copy/paste. Ограничението на честотната характеристика отгоре е естествен резултат от Antialiasing филтрите, които пък са следствие от теоремата на Найкуист/Шенон, на дискретизиращата честота и съответното време на закъснение, което пък е резултат и на броя закъснителни елементи. Трябва доста да се почете за да се разбере за какво става дума, защото цифровата обработка на сигнали е сложна наука! Може да се започне от информацията за самия PT2399, като най-безболезнено... Ако се промени на случаен принцип нещо във фитрите, резултатът ще бъде очароващ. Към сигнала ще се добавят синтезаторни ефекти - шумове, свирки може и някой звук на робот да се появи, за радост на експериментиращия. Това, което са препоръчали от фирмата е максимума за тази миниатюрна цена. Защо се е наложило разбирането, че тази техника е елементарна? Че по магически път, без знания, с едно копиране ще се правят супер неща? И че форумът е средството за решаване на проблеми без влагане на усилия. Не търся отговор, Въпросът ми е риторичен.
  12. JEFFERSON AIRPLANE - Somebody to love (1967) http://youtu.be/6Hlpk67AD-c When the truth is found to be lies and all the joys within you dies don't you want somebody to love don't you need somebody to love wouldn't you love somebody to love you better find somebody to love When the garden flowers baby are dead yes and your mind is full of red don't you want somebody to love don't you need somebody to love wouldn't you love somebody to love you better find somebody to love your eyes, I say your eyes may look like his but in your head baby I'm afraid you don't know where it is don't you want somebody to love don't you need somebody to love wouldn't you love somebody to love you better find somebody to love tears are running ah running down your breast and your friends baby they treat you like a guest don't you want somebody to love don't you need somebody to love wouldn't you love somebody to love you better find somebody to love
  13. Turtles - Happy Together February 1967, The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour http://youtu.be/MFlNxDGPlvA Imagine me and you, I do I think about you day and night It's only right To think about the girl you love And hold her tight So happy together If I should call you up (call you up) Invest a dime And you say you belong to me And ease my mind (ease my mind) Imagine how the world could be So very fine (very fine) So happy together {Refrain} I can't see me loving nobody but you For all my life When you're with me Baby the skies will be blue For all my life Me and you And you and me No matter how they tossed the dice It had to be The only one for me is you And you for me So happy together {Refrain} Me and you And you and me No matter how they tossed the dice It had to be The only one for me is you And you for me So happy together Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Me and you And you and me No matter how they tossed the dice It had to be The only one for me is you And you for me So happy together O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o. So happy together O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o. How is the weather (Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba) So happy together (Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba) We're happy together (Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba) So happy together... (Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba) So happy together... (Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba) So happy together... (Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba Ba ba)
  14. Manfred Mann - Do Wah Diddy (Live, 1964) http://youtu.be/pka6mDVQkY0 There she was just walking down the street Singing do wah diddy diddy down diddy do Snapping her fingers and shuffling her feet Singing do wah diddy diddy down diddy do She looked good(looked good) She looked fine(looked fine) She looked good, she looked fine And I nearly lost my mind Before I knew it she was walking next to me Singing do wah diddy diddy down diddy do holding are hands just as natural as can be Singing do wah diddy diddy down diddy do We walked on(walked on) To my door(my door) We walked on to my door(we walked on to my door) Then we kissed a little more wo wo wo I knew we was falling in love And so I told her of all the things I'd been dreaming of Now we're together Nearly every single day Singing do wah diddy diddy down diddy do We're so happy and that's how we're gonna stay Singing do wah diddy diddy down diddy do Do wah diddy diddy down diddy do Do wah diddy diddy down do Do wahdiddy diddy down diddy do
  15. Herman's Hermits - No Milk Today (1966) http://youtu.be/Reqc38YW81w (Graham Gouldman) No milk today, my love has gone away The bottle stands forlorn, a symbol of the dawn No milk today, it seems a common sight But people passing by don't know the reason why How could they know just what this message means The end of my hopes, the end of all my dreams How could they know the palace there had been Behind the door where my love reigned as queen No milk today, it wasn't always so The company was gay, we'd turn night into day But all that's left is a place dark and lonely A terraced house in a mean street back of town Becomes a shrine when I think of you only Just two up two down No milk today, it wasn't always so The company was gay, we'd turn night into day As music played the faster did we dance We felt it both at once, the start of our romance How could they know just what this message means The end of my hopes, the end of all my dreams How could they know a palace there had been Behind the door where my love reigned as queen No milk today, my love has gone away The bottle stands forlorn, a symbol of the dawn But all that's left is a place dark and lonely A terraced house in a mean street back of town Becomes a shrine when I think of you only Just two up two down No milk today, my love has gone away The bottle stands forlorn, a symbol of the dawn No milk today, it seems a common sight But people passing by don't know the reason why How could they know just what this message means The end of my hopes, the end of all my dreams How could they know a palace there had been Behind the door where my love reigned as queen No milk today, it wasn't always so The company was gay, we'd turn night into day But all that's left is a place dark and lonely A terraced house in a mean street back of town Oh all that's left is a place dark and lonely A terraced house in a mean street back of town Oh all that's left is a place dark and lonely A terraced house in a mean street back of town
  16. Няма връзка между двата проблема. -Шумът от потенциометър се проявява главно при движението му. -Ако става въпрос за износен слой на потенциометър - ефектът е съвсем друг - ще прекъсва и ще променя изобщо действието на ефекта. -В предния пост става дума за друг проблем - повишен основен шум, който се модулира с движението на вероятно изправен потенциометър. За пример може да се опита със смесителен пулт , който има параметричен тонконтрол на средните честоти. Без сигнал, се увеличава усилването до максимум и после с контрола на честотата на параметрика се чува именно модулирането, "избирането" на определена честотна област от паразитния шум. Високият шум може да се дължи на много причини - активни и пасивни елементи, замърсяване на монтажа, самовъзбуждане и т.н. Тези предположения се базират на информацията в първия пост, която може и да не е достоверна - не се знае авторът какво разбира под шум - широкоспектърен сигнал или може би единичен тон, който се променя по честота при промяна в настройката на филтъра на устройството. Един съвет към gmoykin, активният в търсенето на решение трябва да е потърпевшия, а не този, кйто може да свърши работа. Доста често подобни случаи угасват, поради неправилната постановка. Тези които могат да свършат работа обикновенно са заети с достатъчно работа, а тези, които ще "насе..т нещата са свободни и инициативни.
  17. CAT STEVENS - LADY D'ARBANVILLE http://youtu.be/vjfI3uSN8DQ My Lady d'Arbanville, why do you sleep so still? I'll wake you tomorrow and you will be my fill, yes, you will be my fill. My Lady d'Arbanville why does it grieve me so? But your heart seems so silent. Why do you breathe so low, why do you breathe so low, My Lady d'Arbanville why do you sleep so still? I'll wake you tomorrow and you will be my fill, yes, you will be my fill. My Lady d'Arbanville, you look so cold tonight. Your lips feel like winter, your skin has turned to white, your skin has turned to white. My Lady d'Arbanville, why do you sleep so still? I'll wake you tomorrow and you will be my fill, yes, you will be my fill. La la la la la.... My Lady d'Arbanville why does it grieve me so? But your heart seems so silent. Why do you breathe so low, why do you breathe so low, I loved you my lady, though in your grave you lie, I'll always be with you This rose will never die, this rose will never die. I loved you my lady, though in your grave you lie, I'll always be with you This rose will never die, this rose will never die.
  18. The Mamas & The Papas - California dreamin, 1965 In 1998, Cass Elliot,John Phillips, Denny Doherty, and Michelle Phillips were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for their work as The Mamas & the Papas. http://youtu.be/dN3GbF9Bx6E All the leaves are brown All the leaves are brown And the sky is grey And the sky is grey I've been for a walk I've been for a walk On a winter's day On a winter's day I'd be safe and warm I'd be safe and warm If I was in L.A. If I was in L.A. California dreamin California dreamin On such a winter's day Stopped into a church I passed along the way Well, I got down on my knees Got down on my knees And I pretend to pray I pretend to pray The preacher locked the door Preacher locked the door He knows I'm gonna stay Knows I'm gonna stay California dreamin California dreamin On such a winter's day All the leaves are brown All the leaves are brown And the sky is grey And the sky is grey I've been for a walk I've been for a walk On a winter's day On a winter's day If I didn't tell her If I didn't tell her I could leave today I could leave today California dreamin California dreamin On such a winter's day California dreaming On such a winter's day California dreaming On such a winter's day.
  19. The Tremeloes - Silence Is Golden "Silence is Golden" is a song co-written by Bob Gaudio of the American rock band, The Four Seasons, with Bob Crewe. It was released as a B-side to the hit song "Rag Doll," in 1964. It was later covered by the English band The Tremeloes, whose recording was a #1 hit in the UK Singles Chart on 18 May 1967, staying at the top for a total of three weeks. Guitarist Rick West sang lead vocal on "Silence Is Golden." All the group's members shared vocals, though most of the songs featured either 'Chip' Hawkes or drummer Dave Munden as the lead singer. (I fully agree with this opinion !) http://youtu.be/pyj2qL-bQ4E Silence Is Golden: If you get a right wheel Left hammer raw deal Ev'rything is upside down. Tie him in a knot try Ev'rything you've got now Kick him in the dusty ground: Give it a try Let it go by by by by by Give it a try Let it go by by by by by. Marriage on the rocks d'pends Who said what then Nobody remember why; Go before a counsel Wouldn't let her down feel Shakin' in your old school tie: Give it a try... Horses on the run win Thirty three to one and Never put a penny on; Smiling on the bookie Tell him that he should be Better luck the next time son: Give it a try...
  20. Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel: Sebastian "The Come Back, All Is Forgiven Tour" (1989). Recorded in Brighton and Northampton, UK. Steve Harley - vocals and guitar http://youtu.be/gv4Kc0mSBsc Radiate simply, the candle is burning slow for me Generate me limply, I can't seem to place your name, cherie To rearrange all these thoughts in a moment is suicide Come to a strange place, we'll talk over old times we never spied Somebody called me Sebastian Somebody called me Sebastian Work out a rhyme, toss me the time, lay me -- you're mine And we all know, oh yeah! Your Persian eyes sparkle, your lips -- ruby blue -- never speak a sound You, oh so gay, with Parisian demands, you can run around And your view of society screws up my mind like you'll never know Lead me away, come inside, see my mind in kaleidoscope Somebody called me Sebastian Somebody called me Sebastian Love me sublime, mangle my mind - do it in style so we all know , oh yeah! You`re not gonna run, baby we`ve only just begun, baby to compromise Slagged in a bowery saloon love`s a story we`ll serialise Pale angel face,green-eye shadow, the glitter is outaside No courtesan could begin to decipher your beam of light Somebody called me Sebastian Somebody called me Sebastian Dance on my heart, laugh swoop and dart, la-di-di-da Now we all know you , yeah !
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