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You know the music - now meet the man. Still Bill is an intimate portrait of soul legend 
Bill Withers, best known for his classics Ain't No Sunshine, Lean on Me, Lovely Day, 
Grandma's Hands and Just the Two of Us. With his soulful delivery and warm, heartfelt 
sincerity, Withers has written songs that resonate within the fabric of our times. Through 
concert footage, journeys to his birthplace and interviews with music legends, his family 
and closest friends, this documentary presents the story of an artist who has written some

of the most beloved songs of our time and who truly understands the heart and soul of a man.


Attn: Playtime 1:10:43 , full movie! Broadcasted by BBC 4 in 2009.



Редактирано от Parni_Valjak
  • 1 month later...
Отговорено (Редактирано)

P. Mobil is one of the most popular Hungarian hard rock bands

Deák Bill Gyula, Tunyogi Péter, Varga Miklós, Vikidál Gyula, P. Mobil - A zöld, a bíbor és a fekete



  • 1995 – A zöld, a bíbor és a fekete – to the memory of Sándor Bencsik (CD / MC) (compilation, P. Mobil plays two songs – one of them is „Csillag leszel” sung by Tunyogi, studio 1980, mixed with voices of audience, the other is remake of the title song, sung by Deák Bill, Tunyogi, Vikidál and Miklós Varga)


Kereslek néptelen utakon
De csak a semmi vár
Dörögve zúgnak a betonon
Lánctalpas éjszakák

Falakról bámul az unalom
Csak a csend szól rám
Csillagok hullnak
Születnek újak
És Te messze jársz...

Zöld csillag, kihunyt az égen
A csónak partot ért
Hideg csendben fekete minden
Legyen az álmod, legyen az álmod szép

Állok a felnyitott hidakon
Zavaros víz fölött
Kereslek túltömött buszokon
Bezárt ajtók mögött

Állok ott, ahol a szobád van
Bíbor köd szitál
Csillagok hullnak
Születnek újak
És Te messze jársz...

Zöld csillag, kihunyt az égen
A csónak partot ért
Hideg csendben fekete minden
Legyen az álmod szép


Játszd el a dalt, ami sose szólt
Vedd fel a fehér gitárt
Játszd el a régi húrokon
Az utolsó utazást

Idegen árnyak a színpadon
Folyik a show tovább
Csillagok hullnak
Születnek újak
És Te messze jársz...

Zöld csillag, kihunyt az égen
A csónak partot ért
Hideg csendben fekete minden
Legyen az álmod szép

Zöld csillag, kihunyt az égen
A csónak partot ért
Hideg csendben fekete minden
Legyen az álmod szép
Legyen az álmod
Legyen az álmod szép 



Mikor még az idő más ütemre járt,
Minden gyerek téged, csak téged csodált
Nem figyelted holnap honnan fújj a szél
Éltél ahogy élhettél
Lámpák fénye villan és semmit se látsz
Embertömeg vár és akarja, hogy játsz
Zúg a taps és minden szem csak rád mered
Visszalépned nem lehet

Csillag leszel, fény nélkül
Csillag leszel, fény nélkül
Csillag leszel, fény nélkül
Csillag leszel

Rádió és lemez ontja hangodat
Ezer pontból rakják össze arcodat
Mást akartál tudod többé nem lehet
Eltévetél nincs helyed

Csillag leszel, fény nélkül
Csillag leszel, fény nélkül
Csillag leszel, fény nélkül
Csillag leszel


Csillag leszel

Редактирано от Parni_Valjak
Отговорено (Редактирано)

Harry Edward Nilsson III (June 15, 1941 -- January 15, 1994 was an American singer-songwriter who achieved the peak of his commercial success in the early 1970s. On all but his earliest recordings he is credited as Nilsson and is known for the hit singles "Without You", "Everybody's Talkin'" and "Coconut", and for songs appearing in numerous movies and television shows.

He was awarded Grammys for two of his recordings; best male contemporary vocal in 1969 for "Everybody's Talkin'", the theme song to the Academy Award-winning movie Midnight Cowboy, and best male pop vocal in 1972 for "Without You"."



Very interesting artist here Harry Nilsson. Who created the Version of this song that inspired 180 others to cover it since.
 Ironically  Nielsen, a great songwriter, but this being his biggest hit was wrote and released in 1970 by Badfinger. You may remember the piano player here -Gary Wright who went on to great success.


No, I can't forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way the story goes
You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows
Yes, it shows

No, I can't forget tomorrorow
When I think of all my sorrows
When I had you there but then I let you go
And now it's only fair that I should let you know
What you should know

I can't live if living is without you
I can't live, I can't give any more
Can't live if living is without you
I can't give, I can't give any more

No, I can't forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way the story goes
You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows
Yes, it shows

Can't live if living is without you
I can't live, I can't give anymore
I can't live if living is without you
Can't live, I can't give anymore
(Living is without you) 

Редактирано от Parni_Valjak
  • 1 month later...



Това пиано няма как да се сбърка... както и всичко останало!


Stars shining bright above you, night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you".
Birds singing in the sycamore tree, "Dream a little dream of me".
Just say goodnight and kiss me. Hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me.
While I'm alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me.
Stars fading, but I linger on, dear.
Still craving your kiss again, I'm longing to linger till dawn my dear.
Just saying this: Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you.
Sweet dreams and leave all worries behind you.
But in your dreams whatever they be, dream a little dream of me.
Say nitey-nite and kiss me. Hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me.
While I'm alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me.
Dream a little dream of you and me...


Днес се навършват 2 години от началото на темата. 

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За случая ще поздравя всички приятели от форума с подходящо изпълнение -

Отговорено (Редактирано)

In my life
I've seen sorrow
Heartache and pain
I've been burned by the sunshine
Been drowned in the pouring rain
Had too many lovers
And not enough love
I've been tried and convicted
For things I'm not guilty of
I was locked in a prison
Till you came and set me free
So how can you say
You're no good for me

Now that the magic has gone
You just wanna walk away
Nothing left to say, anyway
Now that the magic has gone
There's no sense in holding on
Baby now, now that the magic is gone

You know love can be tender
Love can be cruel
It can smile like an angel
While it treats you just like a fool
It captures and haunts you
Until you give in
And it stacks the dice against you
In a game you never can win
Just when I was thinking
Maybe luck was here with me
You tell me it's over
Say it's time for breaking free

Now that the magic has gone
You just wanna walk away
Nothing left to say, anyway
Now that the magic has gone
There's no sense in holding on
Baby now, now that the magic is gone

I won't try to hold you down
My mind tells me let go
But my heart keeps asking how
There's no prizes for the loser
Only the winner takes the purse
Some say that love is a blessing
But to me it's just a curse

Now that the magic has gone
You just wanna walk away
Nothing left to say, anyway
Now that the magic has gone
There's no sense in holding on
Baby now that the magic is gone
Now that the magic has gone
You just wanna walk away
Nothing left to say 



Still fighting to keep the magic  :secret: 

Редактирано от Parni_Valjak
  • 4 weeks later...
Отговорено (Редактирано)

Tom Jones - Live at Cardiff castle (2001)

great song for a great voice

Силен текст, перфектна драматургия, изпълнение, каращо те да загубиш и ума и дума...




The nights grow cold, 
My search for gold 
Is leading nowhere 
Whichever lonely road I take 
It seems to go where 
It's a fight to survive just until tomorrow 
How can I display 
What I know I'm worthy of 
When they turn me away 

The doors are closed to such as I 
A boy from nowhere 
But not to those who merely buy 
The right to go where 
They'll be met with respect, 
Not humiliation. 
A man's place on earth 
I have come to realize 
Is decided by birth 

So what's the future 
No matter where I go 
I will still belong... 
In Andalucia 
Where we don't know where 
The next penny's coming from 
Something's wrong 

I'm bound to Spain, 
I won't remain 
A boy from nowhere 
There has to be 
A place for me 
And I must go there 
I don't fantasize unlike a million others 
Who must bow and scrape 
For my one means of escape 
Is to flourish a cape. 

I'll fight all odds 
And fight the Gods if they oppose me 
I have to win 
I won't give in 
No one who knows me 
Would expect me to fail 
For the want of trying 
Not a man alive 
Had to beg or steal or fight 
More than me to survive 

So what's the future 
No matter where I go 
I will still belong... 
In Andalucia 
Where good honest men grow weak 
And the rich grow strong 
Something's wrong 

Another dawn, another boy 
A boy from nowhere 
My destiny will guarantee 
I'll only go where 
It's a fight to survive just until tomorrow 
One more mouth to feed 
And the way things are round here, 
That's the last thing they need. 

Редактирано от Parni_Valjak

Темата Чайковски кавър ме подсети за стари приятели, ДУО НОВЕ.

Оказа се, че имат в YouTube доста качени неща.


Бате Жоро, където и да си там горе, да знаеш, че те споменавам с добро !



ДУО НОВЕ, Ваня Цокова и Георги Бейков
















Изчетох (изслушах) темата от горе до долу, и преди бях влизал в нея, но сега си отделих времето. Ами, невероятна тема, честно казано ако едно нещо не харесвам във форума, то е самия вкус за музика на участващите в него, тук е по-вероятно някой да знае някоя шведска дет-метъл група от колкото Creedence Clearwater Revival. :/

Съвсем плахо и малко със страх да не бъда отсвирен ще пусна това... оригинала е наистина хубав, но това е абсолютен диамант за мен.

Kinks - I'm Not Like Everybody Else
I won't take all that they hand me down
Make out a smile, though I wear a frown
And I'm not gonna take it all lying down
'Cause once I get started, I go to town

'Cause I'm not like everybody else
I'm not like everybody else
I'm not like everybody else
I'm not like everybody else

And I don't want to ball about like everybody else
And I don't want to live my life like everybody else
And I won't say that I feel fine like everybody else
'Cause I'm not like everybody else
I'm not like everybody else

But darling, you know that I love you true
Do anything that you want me to
Confess all my sins like you want me to
There's one thing that I will say to you

I'm not like everybody else
I'm not like everybody else
I'm not like everybody else
I'm not like everybody else

And I don't want to ball about like everybody else
And I don't want to live my life like everybody else
And I won't say that I feel fine like everybody else
'Cause I'm not like everybody else
I'm not like everybody else

Like everybody else
Like everybody else
Like everybody else
Like everybody else

If you all want me to settle down
Then slow up and stop all my running 'round
Do everything like you want me to
There's one thing that I will say to you

I'm not like everybody else
I'm not like everybody else
I'm not like everybody else
I'm not like everybody else

And I don't want to ball about like everybody else
And I don't want to live my life like everybody else
And I don't want to stay fine like everybody else
'Cause I'm not like everybody else
I'm not like everybody else

Like everybody else
(Like everybody else)
Like everybody else
(Like everybody else)

Like everybody else
(Like everybody else)
Like everybody else
  • 1 month later...
Отговорено (Редактирано)

Engelbert Humperdinck - Greatest Love Songs (Full Album)


Splendid is the sound of music that pleases the senses and when it permeates you within is like the ecstasy of a lover that energizes you in all areas…
Great classics of that ERA.



Редактирано от Parni_Valjak

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