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Всичко публикувано от zarra
Ако музиката ми не ви хареса не знам как да ви угодя хора
topic отговори на zarra's nvknvk в Авторска музика
дамммммммм бог Бафомет ....... луда работа -
успех - дано и на живо да успееш да я представиш убедително
и аз имах това предвид ,но не исках да прозвучи така вулгарно
ами значи си наясно ,но държиш да си го регистрираш в БГ ?По- евтино ли мислиш ,че ще ти излезе ?
Продължавай да се ровиш и накрая прочети по- горе какво съм написала !Никой няма да ти даде информация наготово !
Най-българското БГрадио убива българските автори на песни
topic отговори на zarra's NeoArt в Музикален бизнес
виж ако искаш да си пишем дай на лични -
Най-българското БГрадио убива българските автори на песни
topic отговори на zarra's NeoArt в Музикален бизнес
Виж всичко е въпрос на договаряне така че.....кой ,какво ,що има много варианти и въпроса не може да се изясни докато не се направят закони в БГ А по въпроса за осъждането как ще докажеш ,че ти си авторката на песента айде да ми обясниш ?Като в БГ няма закони ,които да защитават авторите .. Нали затова иде реч ? Като човек навлезе навътре в нещата се оказва ,че не е толкова просто в Бг да защитиш музиката си .Предпочитам да си приказваме на лични ,понеже тая тема беше друга - за БГ РАДИО а и предпочитам да си пиша с хора от които нещо мога да науча и да си бъдем взаимно полезни ,които са се слъсквали с тези проблеми в личния си опит -
ами хайде специалистите да обяснят къде си регистрират авторските парчета ,защото специално за БГ дори да отидеш в Мюзик Аутор ще ти обяснят ,че не могат да ти гарантират дали някой няма да ти открадне песничката като и смени името например .....там регистрираш само заглавие -не регистрираш музикален материал ,та същия материал може да му се смени заглавието и друг пак да го ползва .... Незнам в Министерството какво трябва да регистрираш и дали после тая регистрация ще важи за други части на света ...интересно ако някой знае да разкаже
ами всеки си знае за себе си какво му е нужно
единствения сигурен начин е като се регистрират в Америка -срещу 45 долара такса ти се издава сертификат за авторско право ,който важи за целия свят- трябва да се изчака няколко месеца обаче
интересно като идея
Най-българското БГрадио убива българските автори на песни
topic отговори на zarra's NeoArt в Музикален бизнес
Всъщност темата тук беше за БГ радио извинявам се ,че поведох разговора в друга посока.! Всъщност си намерих интересен събеседник на лични по въпросите за авторското право който сподели опита си ,така че може би не беше излишно ,че зачекнах и тази тема. -
Най-българското БГрадио убива българските автори на песни
topic отговори на zarra's NeoArt в Музикален бизнес
Баси, глей к`ви са наивни някои моми...... А грейт композерите как пра`ят пари цял живот... ЪЪь !? Авторски плащат хората по света, цел живот, па и на наследието! ...пък ти вър`и сънувай автоматично. То тва да не ти е Пайнер музик ма, сестро... Пфу! интересно кои "грейт композери" визираш-? И още нещо - - да си чувал нещо за" work in hire" ?Вярвай ми ако си композитор никъде никой няма да ти купи work in hire- точно защото ти е платено за тая работа и правата ги притежава човека ,който ти е платил за work in hire ! -
Най-българското БГрадио убива българските автори на песни
topic отговори на zarra's NeoArt в Музикален бизнес
явно не сте се ровили достатъчно по тези въпроси затова няма да споря в Бг тези въпроси не са уредени засега и там е проблема -
Най-българското БГрадио убива българските автори на песни
topic отговори на zarra's NeoArt в Музикален бизнес
Според американските стандарти - песента писана по поръчка е на този ,който е платил за написването и - той разполага с нея ,както си намери за добре - дори да не е автор - в смисъл авторското право може да се продава и веднъж като е продадено - кРАЙ - вече не притежаваш песента ! Обикновено продуцента плаща и авторските права автоматично стават негови ! -
Има специалисти по маркетинг- по 5 години хората учат в икономическия !Кой за каквото е учил !
Най-българското БГрадио убива българските автори на песни
topic отговори на zarra's NeoArt в Музикален бизнес
Вместо това водещите смело и безнаказано обявяват: - През изминалите минути бяхме с песента на изпълнителят Х. Това изобщо не е вярно!!! Песента е на авторите на музика, текст и аранжимент. При това точно по този ред. Аз пък искам да попитам как стои въпроса според теб ако дадения изпълнител е платил на авторите ,каквото са си поискали - песента вече не си ли е негова ?ей това е много болен въпрос в БГ реалността ,защото авторите хем искат пари още преди да са направили песента ,хем после искат тази песен да си остане тяхна ,а вече са я продали ...на изпълнителя ,затова може би по радиото обявяват песните - еди коя си е на еди кой си изпълнител ... моля за разяснение по този въпрос .Благодаря! -
маркетинга е друга наука трябва да се изучава отделно затова си има PR и агенции за реклама мисля ,че това е тяхна работа когато си направиш продукта отиваш в една такава агенция и ги питаш колко ще струва една Pr кампания - ако имаш пари - плащаш и нямаш грижи ако не разполагаш със средства започваш да търсиш начини да се саморекламираш има материали за това и доста литература в нета
ами има къде да се прочете за маркетингови стратегии - пишеш в гугъла :music marketing и почваш да се образоваш
знаеш ли ако си решила твърдо едва ли някой може да ти повлияе-а ако ти е писано това да ти е съдба дори да искаш да се откажеш - съдбата пак ще те връща на тази пътека ! може би сами го избираме може би е карма а за академията - много неща можеш да научиш ,но и много ще загубиш и после ще ти трябва време да си възвърнеш креативността ....но не мога да плюя по академията ,въпреки ,че има доста странни неща там - влез във форума в ДИР за класическа музика и там ще научиш повече
много готино си го казал СЪщия
е аз нямам опит с групите- сори че се намесих - там сигурно е по- сложно щото като са няколко човека и всеки си има различна концепция е доста трудно сигурно да се работи ...
[ малко на Контрол ми напомня
По въпроса за концепцията - ами аз не мога да си представя да започнеш да правиш музика без да имаш ясна концепция какво искаш да изразиш и по какъв начин искаш да въздействаш ....първото нещо още преди да почнеш да правиш музика е да си имаш концепция и да си напълно наясно с нея - дотолкова ,че всеки който се опитва да я обори да няма шанс ...сценичните одежди вече са част от атрибутите на тая концепция ,но самата концепция се появява мноого преди тях - още когато желанието да правиш музика е просто една мечта ,която не се знае дали ще се осъществи ...после като почнеш да действаш идва въпроса как да продадеш музиката и тази концепция ти помага и за това уфффффффффффффффффф че смешно стана
Не се карайте приятели -бизнесът си е бизнес - не може да се развива без инвестиции !Ето как е и на запад ! И там искат пари по радиостанциите ,за да те пускат ! In a variety of cases, Webster & Associates Public Relations is just not the right place for you at this time. It is not that you are not good enough to make it or think you need a publicist … it is just not the right time. So I have another option that will help you in your cause. You can work with Kirt Webster Consulting. I will be glad to help pave the way for you in the music business. Although there are no guarantees of success in the music business, having someone who has walked the successful path many times with clients…does help make it easier to get doors opened, it also helps to save steps in advancing your career, and most of all I can help prevent you from spending money unnecessarily. Kirt Webster Consulting charges $3500 - $5000 a month based on how much time and work is involved. The most common question asked on Music Row is: How do I get a recording deal with a major label? Well your chances of getting a recording contract with a major label in Nashville are about as good as winning the PowerBall or Lotto for several million dollars. You have to crawl before you walk, walk before you run. Spend some time with a reputable Nashville producer getting a simple 3-song demo tape made to approach the labels. Before we go any further, please understand that this process could take several months. This is going to cost you no more than $4,000.00 (Four thousand-US) for a “demo session” that will include musicians, studio time, engineer, and producer. Keep in mind that if you begin your process doing a ‘master session’ versus a ‘demo session’ a Nashville producer is going to charge you about $12,500.00 for that “master session” on three songs. An award winning Nashville producer who is currently producing major label acts is going to charge you $35,000.00 for a “master session” on three songs. That's just the going rate for doing work here with top people. In order to get started, you “are required” to send your producer a 50% deposit to his banking institution. You are going to have to send your producer 50% of the total amount by wire transfer to establish what's called a “deposit” against the total. Why send money prior to the contract? Once you are serious about doing business, then you will need to send a deposit so that the producer can draw a contract up with all the details of your production deal included. The least amount that any producer will accept as a non-refundable deposit to get started is 1/3 or 33% of the production budget. But this is negotiated, in advance, with each specific producer. Once you've had some experience singing in one session, you'll know if you want to pursue a serious recording career in the music business and go further with it. What is the cost of getting a demo tape made by a reputable producer? The average 3 song “master demo” where the producer has hired the best session players, worked in a 32 track digital studio, spent time searching for songs, and creates with the artist, a tape that can get the attention of a major label A & R director is going to cost you about $18,500.00 even at “limited pressing” scale. Keeping in mind, the producer fee alone is $12,500.00 plus the musicians, studio time, and engineer. This is the difference between a “master session” and a “demo session”. If it costs that much, then I can't afford it! That's the problem with great talent in the music business. Wherever you find great talent, you also usually find poverty. So, in order to get the money that you will need to do a 3 song demo tape you have to find a financial sponsor to help you record, that has money, and then there's the tried and proven way. Raise the money. Either way, you are going to need about $15,000 (Fifteen thousand dollars US) to get started and then don't get any stars in your eyes. If you think that's the end, well there's pictures, and a press kit, and promotion, and product to create, and a bus to lease, and equipment, and a tour to set up, and a manager to hire, an accountant, an entertainment law firm, and a whole lot of other people like “roadies, drivers, scheduling, tour support, video producers, directors,” and the list never ends. If this all discourages you then please don't come to Nashville. You have to be the type of person that is not overwhelmed with your dream. Should I seek management advice before I submit my tape to a major label? If you don't have a producer working for you in the studio, who assists you in getting great, commercial songs, that hires the right players and people for you; you are never going to get through the "back door" much less the front door of a major management company. Whatever the cost of getting someone to take the time to educate you, introduce you to the right people, and work with you, will be worth it. Don't think you are going to come to any of the music capitols and compete with major label acts working for tips at a local restaurant. Get ready to spend some serious money if you want to capture the attention of a manager, record label, or entertainment law firm. Being a star is not cheap! Should I continue to follow my dream? Hopefully by now, all the "wanna be's" have gotten discouraged. So, you're really serious about your career? If your desire to sing and write songs is so overwhelming that you can't stand to do anything else, then call us and we'll spend some quality time and help you. Please understand that everyone who works here at our company is here for the long haul. “There's no business like show business!” Breakdown of Getting Started in the Music Business 3 Song Demo Session – Cost should not exceed $4000.00 (four thousand dollars-US) – not including producer fee 3 Song Master Session – Cost could run up to $20,000.00 (twenty thousand dollars-US) – not including producer fee 10 Song Full album Demo Session – Cost should not exceed $14,000.00 (fourteen thousand dollars-US). Cost may fluctuate depending on length of studio time used, # of hours of mixing, etc. – not including producer fee 10 Song Full album Master Session – Cost could run up to $80,000.00 - $90,000.00 (eighty – ninety thousand dollars-US). Cost will vary as musicians must be paid Master scale, producer fees are higher, and studio time required, etc. – not including producer fee Once you have a demo or mastered album, how do you get people to hear it? Some of you reading this now, already have an album done and just need to get it to the labels with promotion. So here is how that works… Between the producer, the artist, and/or the management team, a specific song needs to be selected to use as a ‘single’ at radio. If people can’t hear you on radio, how can they buy your album, join your fan club, or even know you exist? Once a ‘single’ is selected you have a few options CDX – You can have the single put on CDX, when space is available and the cost is around $1400.00. You ask, what is CDX? CDX is a compilation disc that ALL major labels in Nashville use to get their ‘singles’ to the roughly 2000 non-reporting country radio stations across America. It is too costly for every label to send all 2000+ stations a CD on every artist they have a ‘single’ coming out on. CD-TEX – This service is much like CDX, except its focus is on the Texas music scene. Cost varies on this compilation. This cost is around $500.00. Service the ‘single’ as a stand alone – This process will cost a little more, but you will service the single (having them pressed individually) to radio by mailing individual copies of the select single to them. Note that costs here include; duplication of single, postage costs, label costs, return label costs, and any promotional items included in the mailing. Now that radio has the ‘single’ what happens next? You need to hire a group of independent radio promoters. Individual Radio Promoters call radio stations each and every day to request the program director and/or music director to play your single on the airwaves. These promoters work different territories and regions, thus the reason for hiring multiple promoters. Each radio promotion company will charge $3500.00 for the life of a single. The life of a single is normally 3 months sometimes 4 months. Each promoter is paid in advance of the single and you will receive monthly reports as to what stations are playing your record and in what rotation (light, medium, heavy, etc). These promoters can also help you in setting up phone interviews on the stations that are playing the single and generating web-site sales of your project. In addition to radio promoter costs, some artists travel to visit radio stations and appear on morning and afternoon shows or at the least phone the stations to conduct phoners. Whether it is a phone bill or fuel cost, all of these expenses add up. Beyond the non-reporting stations, you have the Media Base chart, Country Aircheck chart, Music Row chart, the New Music Weekly chart, and the Texas Music chart. This is important for you to know. While you are pitching your demo tape to the major labels, it is always a good idea to make sure that all those major labels understand that you are ‘radio friendly’. What this means is that if you ship your single to these panels and hire promoters to work those specific charts, you may have a better chance at getting a major record deal. Reasoning? Well, if a major label sees you on the chart along side their artist and they just got your demo on their desk…they will listen to it much quicker because they see that you have done some of the legwork for them already. If you have questions about any of this radio promotion, please feel free to contact our office. Publicity and Public Relations: Do I really need this at this stage of my career? Out of Sight, Out of Mind! Perception is Reality!!! With all the radio promoters working your single, you need someone to help set up those phone interviews and create the buzz of what is going on with your record. That is what a publicist does. A publicist can help build and create your career steps. Think about this…photos, press kit, logo creation, reviews, industry relations, etc. all of this is done with a publicist. A publicist will cost you anywhere in a range of $3000 a month to $6000 a month. But this is money well spent. Would you rather walk on music row and nobody know who you are or would you like it for people to start recognizing you? This is the question you must ask yourself. Should I pay money to have a song published? The answer is an absolute, unequivocal NO! No one should ever charge you to publish your song in their publishing company. If you have any questions, please contact either ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC for information on song publishing. Do not pay... to have your song published and do not sign anything about your songs without first consulting with someone at the performance societies. Now lets get started on the road to success!!! If we want to ‘piggy back’ onto another pre-existing label, we will need to buy our way on to the label … the reason for this… is ONE big item ... DISTRIBUTION. Without distribution, you have no way to make any money. If consumers can’t find the album, how can they buy it. Most independent artists have great records, but can not get them in the stores…and if they do get them in stores, it is on a limited basis or quantity. Thus, allowing for minimum sales. Who is Kirt Webster Consulting? KIRT B. WEBSTER; PRESIDENT Kirt Webster, founder and president of Webster & Associates Public Relations, formed Kirt Webster Consulting after seeing many independent artists come to Nashville and get ‘suckered’ out of their hard earned money. It became a situation that time and time again, artists would come to the doors of Webster & Associates Public Relations for help and after the initial meetings, Webster learned that the artists and their families had practically spent their life savings to be nowhere in the music business. This frustrated Webster so he launched the consulting business to help artists get on the right track and although charging for his services, he helps detour the overspending on the artist’s part. Kirt Webster has spent the last 10 years serving working within the Nashville music community and its artists offering collective expertise in marketing, communications, artist/career development, and public relations. If you are interested in talking with Kirt Webster about his services, please contact him at 615-777-6995 x30 or kirt@websterpr.com