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Marshall Debuts Limited Edition, Handwired Jimi He


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In close conjunction with Experience Hendrix, the family company established by James Al Hendrix, the late father of the legendary guitarist, and after many months of painstaking research, Marshall Amplification is proud to announce a limited edition, handwired Jimi Hendrix Signature 100 Watt Stack. Not only is this the latest addition to Marshall's ongoing series of handwired, reissue amplifiers, it also celebrates the 40th Anniversary of the world famous association of the late, great Jimi Hendrix and Marshall amplifiers and pays homage to the legendary guitarist that Dr. Jim Marshall OBE has always referred to as his company's "greatest ever ambassador."


"Anyone who truly knew Jimi was well aware of how seriously he took his instruments and equipment," Janie Hendrix, the President/CEO of Experience Hendrix, states. "To achieve the sound he heard playing inside, he had to have the right tools. Gauging from his performances, he clearly embraced Marshall amps. We too embrace Marshall because it allowed us to hear Jimi as we never would have before, with the truest sound and most feeling. We are happy to see the past re-birthed in the form of this Jimi Hendrix signature amp stack. It is our pleasure to partner with Marshall Amplification in giving volume to the legacy of Jimi."


The Jimi Hendrix Stack is sold as a set consisting of the Super 100JH head, the angled 1982AJH 4x12" cabinet and the extra-tall, straight-fronted 1982BJH 4x12" cabinet. The original versions of this iconic, tall, pinstriped stack were built in 1966 and the Super 100 head was the immediate successor to Marshall's first ever 100 Watt head — the dual output transformer JTM45/100, also currently available as the limited edition handwired 40th Anniversary Stack.


Aside from a minor modification to the tone network that Jimi often had implemented, research and discussions with technicians and roadies has revealed that Jimi Hendrix's circa 1966 Super 100 Marshall heads were completely stock. The limited edition Super 100JH head is a meticulous, handwired recreation of such a head, complete with the aforementioned modification to the tone network which adds more treble and bass.


Product Details:

The Super 100JH is an extremely straightforward amplifier. Its two channels — High Treble and Normal — each have two inputs (High and Low sensitivity) and separate Loudness (volume) controls. Both channels share the amplifier's four tone controls: Treble, Middle, Bass and Presence. It contains three ECC83 (12AX7) valves in the preamp and a quartet of KT66 valves in the power amp, the later being standard issue in mid-sixties Marshall amplifiers.


As the mains (power) and output transformers are vital to the performance, sound and feel of an all-valve amplifier, Marshall went to Drake, the company which supplied the transformers used in the original Super 100 heads. Fortunately, all of the original spec documentation remains intact in Drake's archives and the resulting reissue transformers mirror the all-important electrical behavior of the originals exactly.

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далго е в превод

в общи линии - това е реплика на Маршала с който Джими е свирел навремето

който е сьвсем малко модифициран сревнен с стоковия -Super 100JH head

разликата е че модификацията вкарва повече требьл и бас

изработката е изцяло рьчна

и сигурно е супер апетина хапка за Хендрикс манияците - заедно с подходящите кабинети които са по делбели от нормалните(предпологам за по добьр бас звук)

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