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Black Bird

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Всичко публикувано от Black Bird

  1. Ташака настрана,ако искаш да вплетеш тенденцията със звуците от хора,агония да разбираме,ще е размазващо ако започнеш с бебешко гугукане и после с виковете.Поне на мен ми се струва мощно.Ако издебна малката може и да ти запиша нещо напоследък не се спира. И що не пробваш да се запишеш ти?Малко ефекти много ефекти все ще стане..кво по точно ти трябва..гледах на скоро семпли в дин сайт имаше и много с гласове, но бяха предимно обикновенни крясъци и числата на английски в общи линии дай линк
  2. NikiFen ОГРОМЕН РЕСПЕКТ! ТВА Е! Мерси МАN! :inlove: очаквайте по сериозна песен продукция с която да покажа пълния капацитет на Ефекта :exclaim:
  3. AMT electronics «AMT MATRIX» www.amtelectronics.com It is not a secret that all guitar effects are divided into two main categories, namely analog and digital guitar processors. The both have their advantages and disadvantages. As it can be seen from various experiences most analog guitar effects are characterized by natural sound and extremely low control immediacy when playing live. Digital processors are really efficient in terms of control and the presence of various service utilities, but the digitized sound in most cases can hardly replace analog ones. New hi-tech level of electronic components development allows for launching a completely new series of guitar effects which claims to take place in between analog and digital effects borrowing advantages from contending guitar effects categories and making the process of sound creation and searching more flexible and less costly. You may ask what we suggest. The idea is really simple. You only have to buy a box having one control knob, a Stickpointer manipulator, a display, two stomp buttons and a lot of jack connectors (just in case). The model we would like to offer is called MATRIX. The overall dimensions of this device are slightly wider than those of well-known BOSS pedals. On the outside it looks like an analog guitar effect pedal, but due to the presence of display it reminds of digital one. Basically it is similar to most of guitar pedals save for one little element which dramatically distinguishes it from other models – the end surface of the box has a card chamber which can hold from one to four effect modules (further cards) (100% analog circuitry) sized like well-known PCMCIA card (85mm/54mm/5mm). You just buy a card with effects as required in light sheath with a single connector. You don’t have to pay for boxes, jacks, controls and switches over and over again, you only acquire the effect itself. There is a possibility to insert from one to four various effects necessary for you sound. Besides the effect itself a card module stores information on the effect character (its status within effect group), preliminary stored effect control parameters etc., which in its turn makes it efficiently controllable, mobile and flexible for your needs in the process of its interaction with MATRIX base unit. MATRIX base unit is designed on matrix principle inside. Inserting cards into card chamber you don’t have to think about the sequence of their installation since MATRIX itself will offer you the sequence because a card module contains the information concerning priority and communicates the base unit its place in the effects hierarchy. If you want you can change everything, watching the modules layout on the display and changing it as required by means of the mouse and single multi-functional encoder knob. The connectors of the base unit are designed as follows: IN – guitar signal input. OUT L\MONO – left channel output (mono output) for connecting combo, mixer, amplifier. OUT R\OUT1 X\INSERT1\IN- multi-purpose connector operating both as input and output or simultaneously as input and output in INSERT mode. The operation mode is defined by the user. Режим работы устанавливается пользователем. OUT R\OUT2 X\INSERT2\IN - multi-purpose connector operating both as input and output or simultaneously as input and output in INSERT mode. The operation mode is defined by the user. OUT PHONE – headphones connector LEVEL PHONE – headphones volume control MIDI IN MIDI OUT MATRIX CONNECT – bus connector for switching to other MATRIX modules. IrDa – infrared interface for bidirectional data exchange with a computer. MATRIX design structure allows for switching cards (effects) inputs and outputs in the sequence as required and even all cards parallel input as well as every card separate output to an amp, aux effect etc. At this you don’t use any cables with jacks as under traditional analog effects chain connection. So now you have unlimited possibilities choosing effect combinations. You can store all the combinations in MATRIX memory, and each effect parameters in the card permanent memory – from now on any obtained sound can be recalled any time and in no time at all. One day you will find that four effects are not enough – no problem. You buy another MATRIX module and connect it to the first one by means of MIDI IN/OUT connectors and IN/OUT signal jacks. The controllers of both MATRIX modules will interact on their own and determine which one is the master and which one is the slave. In this way two MATRIX pedals turn into one module with eight analog programmable effects and four control foot control switches for combinations selection. If you still think you don’t have enough, buy the third MATRIX. But how it can be switched to the previous couple? To achieve this we offer the so-called AMT MATRIX MAINBOARD . AMT MATRIX MAINBOARD is a flat board (120mm\550mm\20mm) with one input connector and two output ones, MIDI IN/OUT, power connector. On the surface of the board there are four bus connectors. By simple installation of three base units on AMT MATRIX MAINBOARD by means of the bus connectors you acquire 100% analog guitar processor. Finally, the fourth bus connector can be used either for connecting the fourth MATRIX module or WAH-WAH 3D pedal, also our innovative development which has already has gone through laboratory tests. Now you can control WAH effect in three planes by changing three parameters simultaneously, namely passband edge frequency, modulation depth, and passband modulation frequency. This pedal also has MIDI IN/OUT, IN\OUT L\OUT R connectors. The peculiarity of this design lies in the fact that you don’t need all these connecting cables. All analog connections are done by means AMT MATRIX MAINBOARD and bus connectors of base units. And one more advantage - all BAYPASS modes are realized by means of relay which means simple mechanical contact. So far we have managed to describe only a small part of what we used in this device. For those who are in constant searching of his/her own peculiar sound this development will give a new creative impulse to satisfy the most subtle needs. With the coming of new cards bearing new sounds your abilities will be expanded infinitely. AMT electronics «AMT MATRIX» www.amtelectronics.com
  4. да искам такива звуци
  5. Абсолютно подкрепям!!!!!! Народе! търсете си схеми .... Това е драйв за сола но едва ли некъв друг ше му се опре !!!! :read:
  6. бре нкой не пише аве хора ко става бе
  7. Хи всички! Най после преди 2 часа получих така очаквания овърдрайв от НикиФена Записа който ще чуете е записан по следняи начин. Соло китара Китара-----> Н Аудио "FireSound" Nalbantov Custom model AMT Лампов Преамп - имитация на Реален АМП с лампа от АМТ. Преампа няма драйв само Спийкър симулация 4x12------SoundCard in........Nuendo----Voxengo Delay. Ритъм китарата е записана директно с Н Аудио и спийкър симуалтор от DI BOX Behringer http://www.cmusicforum.com/dimitar/NAUDIO_Nalbntov_Demo.mp3 п.п сори за немърливото свирене нямах търпение да запиша квото и да е!
  8. абе шарени са тва си е я съм по по простите като Иванец
  9. Black Bird


    е моята за 430 евро начи е под 500 и минава за чалгажийска бахти кефа
  10. имам го последния да доста шарени китари
  11. da...
  12. да 22 кц
  13. отваря се
  14. 22 погледа или 22 слушания?! http://www.cmusicforum.com/dimitar/a_flicker_of_hope.mp3
  15. прати ми малк описуци и бури и ветрове
  16. hmm Явно някой филм ше пострада
  17. Моля ако някой знае.... :exclaim:
  18. Наистина ли!?!??!
  19. http://www.cmusicforum.com/dimitar/a_flicker_of_hope.mp3
  20. зависи няма луфт аз смених втулката с нова от завода на ибанез защото старата я строших от ръчкане.... и ръчката стои където и кажа и зависи от модела моята е с пластмасови пръстенчета
  21. Black Bird

    D.i. Box

    67 leva bahti kefa
  22. не бъди толкова сигурен
  23. не знам бе просто става и по картинки съм виждал готов кабел
  24. Black Bird


    ... може и да има нещо такова ... :hello: Абе по добре фикс.
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