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Black Bird

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Всичко публикувано от Black Bird

  1. Следния запис е направен ей така: Ибанез -> Никифен FireSound -> АМТ Астрал Тубе- за симулация на АМП -->СаундКард инпут-->Програма-> VST Voxengo Delay. http://www.cmusicforum.com/dimitar/Dimitar...Custom_Dist.mp3 NikiFen = Майстор!
  2. Да......
  3. Realy!?!?!? Wow Thanks Dude:)
  4. за кое много бе
  5. Знаеш, че чакаме!!! http://www.cmusicforum.com/dimitar/SummerAcoustic2.mp3 В двата канала за сега тихичко
  6. Яко съм ретро хахахах Стаг е китарата с графитно тяло И полисандров гриф и пиезо електроника Ох песни ся ше видите всички ще имат акустици хехех :green: :inlove: :
  7. специално за теб да те дразни на твоя кво има Некви Дамски карантий ли?!
  8. Какво си завършил?! Да не би УАСГ! Гимназия за приложни изкуства-металопластика в Смолян И ЮЗУ Рисуване в Благоевград.....
  10. А викаше че азиото гадно било не ставало че Кх са гадни па ся и уроци зе да даваш.... ах мискин хахахахха :green:
  11. И ти от конкретност нищо не каза Хахах :green: Пак много лично стана
  12. :green: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :green:
  13. АЛА БАЛА говориш пълни тъпотий! Аиде иди извади едно парче на Грег Хов като си добър и трябва да свириш всичко.... Твоето се нарича КРЪЧМАРИЯ...Кръчмари познавам доста... примерно Свирят Много "ЯКО" Гери Мур после АББА после МАдона После Орхан Мурат а после се връщат на Пърпъл и после на Сантана....и накрая 6 без 10 НАПРАВО СА Гений :green: хи хи
  14. Здрасти! Безплатен екземпляр. Това е прототип. Просто съм ENDORSER на фирмата!
  15. Новия ми ефект в действие http://www.cmusicforum.com/dimitar/DistMashineInsaneSolo.mp3 http://www.cmusicforum.com/dimitar/DistMashineCleanSolo.mp3 The new development of АМТ Electronics, which combines the advantages of both analog and digital devices, was named DistMachine DM-3. This is a 100% analog distortion with digital control functions and effects parameters memory. The device has four banks (banks A,B,C,D), each of which has four programmable patches (distortions types) 1,2,3,4 each having eight variable parameters. In fact it means that the owner of DistMachine DM-3 has a quick access to 16 patches (distortion types) with various effect parameters – from slight transparent overdrive in rock’n’roll style to mighty and heavy metal distortion type. All factory tone settings can be copied from one patch to another (COPY function), changed as required and store to any patch (SAVE function) of any bank. Here we provided UNDO function, i.e. the opportunity to undo the last move and return to the previous one within the programmed patch. Besides, all factory distortion settings can be reset (RESET function). The friendly user interface of DistMachine DM-3 makes it really simple to master the tone parameters editing, storing and copying techniques. Moving from one bank to another, from one patch to another or to BYPASS position is accomplished by means of two multi-functional footswitches. Prompt access to patches is achieved according to your own algorithm: - patch selection along the big cycle (i.e. from one type to another in cycle) - patch selection within current bank (by means of bank selection function) All these functions make DistMachine DM-3 indispensable during live performances when a guitar player needs to switch among the distortion types without bending and stopping at exact moment. When using the second patch selection algorithm the current patch is at all times active in spite of all your activities directed at bank selection. DistMachine DM-3 is the first device to incorporate new types of footswitches providing the device durability and switching reliability. In order to monitor the current status DistMachine DM-3 incorporates a string of multicolored led indicators. They reflect all functions and parameter values of the device beginning from bank and patch number to all parameters that are being changed at a given moment as well as battery condition. DistMachine DM-3 output is balanced in such a way that it can be connected both to a mixer line input and guitar combo. COMBO – combo emulation mode indicator OFF – combo emulator off 4,3 kHz – combo emulator frequency cut-off 3,5 kHz – combo emulator frequency cut-off MIC –microphone position emulation The function of this switch can be explained as follows. Imagine yourself in a soundproof room having no echo whatsoever. You switch on your combo, place a mike in front of it and change its position in relation to the speaker in three different ways. As a result you obtain a sound timber of a specific character. So every position of the switch gives you one of the three mike positions: OFF AXIS – the mike is off-center, which gives you a more full sound range. At this you get cut-out midrange frequencies, “dirty” highs and enhanced lows. This mike position is good for hard and heavy music. CENTER – now the mike is directed straight at the speaker cone center, which gives your sound more overtones and more midrange frequencies as well as output signal increase; CLASSIC – here the mike is positioned at some distance from the cabinet, which gives you low dynamics sound and a so-called “hump” within the mid low range. This position emulates the old-style classic sound which bluesmen prefer; MOD – affects the structure of the amp overamplification selected by the switch HWRD - HOT-WIRED produces saturated sound within high and low frequencies range which makes it dirty and “uncontrollable” HI GAIN – produces “thick” tube overdrive as if with extra preamp-unit consisting of 12AX7 tubes; CLEAN – gives a slight tube overamplification with a very transparent sound ; AMP – amps emulation CLF - Mesa/Boogie-style. BRT - Marshall-style; TWD - Fender-style;
  16. по скоро този http://dimitar.audioshot.net/music/NewAlbu...estsoloTake.mp3
  17. то аз му подметнах идеята за маршал
  18. едно соло маркирано като идея в една песен която започнах да завършвам. Но искам мнения за саунда като цяло...! http://dimitar.audioshot.net/music/NewAlbum/Manifestsolo.mp3
  19. Ами отговарят ли копчетата на клавиатурата на клавишите,както изисквах а не ....но има некви плъгини за тая цел... ама не ги помня
  20. да ! що !?
  21. Nuendo 2.0.39
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