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Gips In Garageband

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Реших да споделя нашето парче The Road.

Изкефих се като видях Българския флаг,макар и на 55 място :


А и наградките за тази седмица си ги бива:


Best Guitars in Instrumental Rock, week of 28Nov2005

Best Bass in Instrumental Rock, week of 28Nov2005

Best Production in Instrumental Rock, week of 28Nov2005

Rocking Track in Instrumental Rock, week of 28Nov2005




Та..това е!

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The production value is very good. Sounds like some very good equipment was used. I assume that it wasn't done in a studio or you guys wouldn't be asking to comment on production value, but sounds like studio quality. I love the tone of the lead guitar. It's warm but cuts through the rest as well. I like the dynamic change around 2min. Good use of the wah on the lead guitar. The bass has some nice runs as well that help the mood, especially toward the end around 3:30 or so. It almost has a Ty Tabor type feel to it (King's X/Platypus if you're not familiar with him) It's arranged well too. It has a simple start, then builds, builds again, and then ends the same way it started with the acoustic. Great song, I'd be interested in your album.

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