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Acid End

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:drummer: Acid end :punk_guitar:


Fading colors of my nails and flesh.

Repeating moments of your agony.

Will you paint my mind again.

Or stand alone , next to the mute...(mute)


For what you care is what I want.

Don't you get it.

It's all because of you...Shut up!

Stop crying...

I lose it every time you say a word.

Stay calm!

All of this will end with acid...


Fading colors of my nails and flesh.

Repeating moments of your agony.

Will you paint my mind again.

Or stand alone , next to the mute...(mutey)


I will not stop to desolate my veins.

Keep it bleeding!

As long as you keep your feelings maimed

Go away!

Lost again in self-affliction.

Come out!

Everything will end with acid...


Fading colors of my nails and flesh.

Repeating moments of your agony.

Will you paint my mind again.

Or stand alone , next to the mute...(mute)


For what you care is what I want.

Don't you get it.(maimed)

It's all because of you...Shut up!

Stop crying...(agony)

I lose it every time you say a word.

Stay calm!(hate)

All of this will end with acid...


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Някой друг коментар няма да ме натажи :ok: Само да кажа , навсякаде кадето има mute от начало беше vanity(т.е. "Will you paint my mind again,or sand next to your vanity") и повече ми харесваше

Edited by SandForGaara
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Аз ще кажа само,че много бих искала някой ден да го чуя това на живо с подходяща музика и си представям здрави провиквания в скобичките :punk_guitar: На мене много ми харесва този текст :) Продължавай да пишеш в този дух!

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Не че ще повлияе особено на римата :whistle: но ми се струва, че с vanity звучи по-добре (без да съм проверявал точните значенияна думите). Иначе доста приличен текст (не съм задълбавал съвсем де :) ). Продължавайте в същия дух, успех!

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