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Тъп въпрос Yamaha Pacifica Vs Squire


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Пешо те и Майбах са дъщерна на Мерцедес. Тук говорим по скоро за нещо като... Хм, Опел са дъщерна на Дженеръл Моторс а Шкода на Фолцваген :) Хахаха това бизнес обучение вече яко ми промива тиквата.

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За да завърша темата подобаващо се зарових дълбоко из мрежата и най-истинското (за мен) мнение беше това - кратко, ясно без излишен драматизъм.


Comparing two starter guitars: Fender Squier vs. Yamaha 112


When you're just starting out and you walk into that music store for the first time, the choices of which guitar to buy can be a bit overwhelming. Even after narrowing the field down to guitars in your price range, there are still several different brands and options. Too often, a salesperson who knows very little about you will send you home with the wrong guitar. Enter frustration and discontent. Hopefully, my review can aid you in the comparison process by spotlighting the two biggest entry-level guitar models: The Fender Squier Strat and the Yamaha PAC-112.



The Squier has a slightly more rounded neck than the Yamaha PAC-112, which makes playing and moving around just a bit harder. This is not a problem for seasoned professionals with amazing finger dexterity, but for a beginner it is torture to play on a "tough neck". Yamaha typically makes their necks thin and and accessible, since the majority of their guitars are aimed at beginning and intermediate players. This is a great thing for anyone starting out to consider even before plugging in a demo guitar.



STEP TWO - Sound

Within the plethora of guitars out there, the type of sounds you get is mainly determined by the type of pick-ups you use. Fender Squiers use three single coil pickups, whereas the Yamaha PAC-112 has two single coils and a humbucker. The humbucker is essentially a magnet wrapped twice with wire, versus a single coil pickup which is wrapped once. This will cancel out most feedback and humming you'd get from different polarities (for those non-physics majors out there, think of it as two trucks driving opposite directions on a one way street. They'll hit and the result won't be pretty (i.e. some amp hum or feedback). But give them an extra lane and everything is okay (life is quiet and goes on as usual.)). Traditionally, single coil pickups are more sensitive and responsive. Depending on the type of music you plan to play, either guitar could work for you. Those looking to play country, blues, or jazz might try the Squier, while metal heads, punk rockers, or pop fans will enjoy the versatility and grit of the sound from the Yamaha PAC-112.

ADVANTAGE: Both, depending on your playing style



When you bring your new baby home, what will your friends think? Are brown guitars really that cool? Can your older male friends really appreciate a cream-coloured guitar? Yamaha began the trend of offering cool colours several years ago. At the point, Fender was manufacturing their Squiers in sunburst finish, cream, and black. But when Yamaha introduced red, green, and sky blue, Fender followed suit. But it began with Yamaha. The PAC-112 also has sharper edges than the Fender Squier. This again is a matter of taste and style. Metalheads and rock fans will like the tight-cut look of the PAC-112, while jazz fans will like the smooth, rounded edges of a Squier.

ADVANTAGE: Yamaha, because they started the whole cool colour thing.


STEP FOUR - Electronics

So you can move your hands around the neck, the guitar is suited to your style, and it's in your favourite shade of green. But what's the point if you plug it in and nothing happens? While I have never had a problem with the electronics on Yamaha guitars (PAC-112s included), I have had NUMEROUS broken connections and broken input jacks on Fender Squiers. I work in a music store, so I see exactly what is wrong with these things. Fender is such a popular name that they must produce their Squiers cheap and fast, thus, you get loose connections that you have to get re-soldered later. Yamaha offer much better craftsmanship. Their pickups are wound well and their connections are solid. Just walk into any guitar repair shop and ask the salesperson which guitar requires more upkeep. They'll tell you Fender Squiers every time.

ADVANTAGE: Yamaha, because if it doesn't play well all the time, it isn't worth it.



In the store where I work, Fender Squiers sell for $199. Yamaha PAC-112s sell for $219. I would say that the extra $20 is worth it for the craftsmanship that you get, but that's your call.

ADVANTAGE: Squier, because in black and white, $199 looks better than $219.


Hopefully, you can use these steps to decide if the Yamaha PAC-112 is the right guitar for you. I personally am a big fan of the entire Yamaha line, because I play a variety of styles of music, and because I like my guitar to respond when I ask it to (meaning, it doesn't break). For me, the Yamaha PAC-112 is the ideal choice. But remember, I work in a music store, and I'd rather not make the decision for you. Do your research, try both models, and see for yourself whether I'm right or wrong.


FOOTNOTE: Pet peeve number one of being a salesperson in a music store-

People who walk in and say: "I need a guitar." ?!? Well, we've got 40 of them, so why don't I sell you the most expensive one?


Most salespeople aren't out to get you, but if you know what you're buying before you actually do it, you'll save yourself the return trip of buying a second guitar that really DOES suit your needs


Сори за английския ма не ми се превеждаше.

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идеята ми е че дъщерна не означава непременно по-лоша , то че фендерака си е фендерак да ама не значи че скуаъра е лош. също така искам да отбележа, че съм забелязъл тази подробност на фирмената политика на ямаха - има евтинджьоси за начинаещи и майсторска класа за напреднали и професионалисти. тва ми е виждането :think:

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