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Brass модел струни за акустична китара


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Здравейте колеги искам да отворя тема специално за струните за акустична китара от моделите брас(brass) тъй като сте писали за звука на фосфор,бронз,за брас струните не съм срещал.Всеки който е свирел с различен вид от фосфор,бронз нека пише.

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"извадка" от ТУК


Bronze strings are referred to as 80/20 strings, referring to their copper-to-tin (or zinc) ratio. These are bright sounding strings with a clear, ringing sound, but they are sometimes criticized for losing their brightness after a short initial period. Not requiring as much tension, they have a softer feel.

Phosphor-bronze strings are 92% copper and 8% tin (or zinc), are corrosive-resistant, and tend to last longer than standard bronze with a brassier sound. While stiffer than 80/20s, these strings are probably the most popular strings.

Brass strings are 85/15 strings, thought by some to fall between the above two types of strings in terms of sound. These strings are also well-liked, though you might find them more sensitive to skin oils.




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Добро описание,брас е месинг и звука е смесица от бронз и фосфор бронз нещо между тях.Фосфор бронз издържат повече на корозия отколкото само бронз.

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