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Българският форум за музиканти


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Относно Mike_MnD

  • Рожден ден 04/18/1986

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Newbie (1/14)


Обществена Репутация

  1. Mike_MnD

    Какъв глас

    По тембър се определят като: дразнещ и прекрасен.
  2. Начало » Кабели и Конектори » Преходници Честита Коледа.
  3. От опит, пробвай се! Никой няма директно от първият път да те глоби и накаже. Възможно е и никога да нямаш проблеми и също е възможно да имаш там всички документи и някой да се заяде ей така. Пей, свири, продавай си албума - пробвай се. Това е най-важното.
  4. HAVE FUN It's started just as a game nobody truly believed that rather staying at home you're gonna chase'em all down you're gonna chase'em all down you're gonna chase'em all Rush, run, search all you need is to believe, trust, breath three times strugle now it's time to win and our happiness to grow We're playing Pokemon Go It's out of control You're playing Pokemon Go It's out of control (but it's a hell of a fun) Now we are together in quest to battle rivals no rest for the strongest and best we're gonna chase'em all down we're gonna chase'em all down we're gonna chase'em all Rush, run, search all you need is to believe, trust, breath and in the battles we will stand as one brothers and sisters we must go To play Pokemon Go It's out of control You're playing Pokemon Go It's out of control (hell it's about time) Crash, slow downs even in darkest hours still arround nothing will hold us down Rush, run, search the legend gonna make us glow We're playing Pokemon Go It's out of control We're playing Pokemon Go It's out of control We're playing Pokemon Go It's out of control We're playing Pokemon Go It's out of control
  5. We're playing Pokemon GO! :D


    - I'll KEEP COMING

    над 32 000 гледания... доста приятна изненада. Дано повечето хора да са си направили кефа :)
  8. Единствената основателна причина да премина към смартфон: http://mihail.ilinov.eu/temp/GotToCatchThemAll.gif


    Maybe you could save my soul

    Cause of all the things that I don't know


    - You set my soul alight
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