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Всичко публикувано от Isolfr666

  1. Аз вдъхновение черпя от любимата си музика
  2. Че ако човек не пише по свой начин каде отива оригиналноста
  3. Ами ето един пример за траш метъл текст в стил Slayer The Truth 1:The holy grail is a tale for all of you fools,al of you who like mindless sheep are led by god he who speaks of peace but is a peice of shit himself Chorus:Every time i hear god i scream "YOU FUCKING LIAR" and the greatest one of all of peace you speak but war and death you bring 2:"Oh my lord,oh my savior" OH GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK dragg me into your SHIT you can't make Chorus:-//- 3:Your temptations are for fools temptations of the fate,temptations of which i'll make burning waste Chorus-//- 4:The truth of you i speak the truth of he who is a freak and of all the lies that you speak
  4. Текстописец на heavy,power и thrash metal текстове е на разположение,ако има група от софия, която се нуждае се от човек, като мен, може да ми пипете ЛС
  5. Като стана дума за пеене,самият аз имам страст към пеенето но ми трябва учител който да ми каже става ли нещо от гласа ми,и ако да вече ходене на уроци след това
  6. Ето и едно мое произведение: A Battle Comes 1-ви куплет:When you die you will see what you lost in a moment a moment filled with glory When the battle raged a battle legendary and fierse. Припев:A battle comes be prepared A battle comes stand and fight A battle comes die in flames A battle comes you will suffer 2-ри куплет:Warriors stand you'r ground fight with courage,fight with pride For the enemy show no mercy for they deserve it NOT Припев:......... 3-ти куплет:Defend you'r freedom and you'r fate but you see you are at my mercy and mercy i don't give and you'r death will give me pleasure.I will burn you'r body and you'r soul Припев:....... 4-ти куплет:I will strike you down with the hammer of Thor You will bleed,you will suffer as i rip you apart body and soul
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