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Понеже свиря от дъжд на вятър .. когато ми падне. Мислех да си направя една програма за всеки ден от седмицата, в колко часа и какви работи ще свиря в рамките на определено време за да излиза нещо от цялата работа ... :wall: :wall: :violin: Та чудех се някои от вас спазват ли няква такава програма ? ;)


Това звучи се едно ходиш на фитнесс...

Аз свиря всеки ден вечер('щото само тогава имам време ;) )!!


На това аз му викам "да свирш по часовник". Не мислех че съществува, но..... ;)

Много глупаво ми се вижда. Свириш когато, колкото и както искаш. Или поне така трябва. А не да свириш без желание.

Има някои хора от форума дето имат такава програма, но нека те сами да си кажат.

  DimebagDaniel написа:
Еми ти си я прайш програмата .. свириш си квото искаш и когато искаш .Не е да нямаш желание , щото за ко ти е програма тогава..

Хмм, добре ти като планираш нещо за след 5 дена примерно, ако след пет дена си в некво шибано настроение (примерно) и не ти се праи това дето си планирал? Щото точно тука примерно човек си казва "еми аз това трябва да го свърша!" и го праи щото Трябвало, а не щото Искал. А пък ако не го спази - no point от програма ;)



не мисля че е необходимо да имаш програма кога да свириш сриш си когато ти е на кеф аз поне така правя или ако случаино ми доиде некво вдъхновение наи вече в малките часове на ноща ;)

Отговорено (Редактирано)

Абе копелета, има разлика между "свиря си" и "упражнявам се" :)


Аз лично отскоро (отново) си отделям време за упражнения, което се старая да разпределям и т.н., а след това си отделям време за "just play" и товага правя квото си искам.


Иначе ако просто свириш напосоки, ще е по-малко ефективно, а тва не е хубаво ;)

Редактирано от AXE
Отговорено (Редактирано)

Aми при мене упражненията и свиренето са свързани. В смисъл това което разбирате под "свиря си" при мен е предходено от "упражнявам се". Не ми се случва често просто да си хвана китарката и да "засвиря квото ми падне".

Нз, просто при мен е до това в какво настроение съм. Не ми е "гадно" да се упражнявам. И не ми се налага да ги деля. Мен като ми се свири - свиря. ;)


Аз така го разбирам.



едит: под "свиря" не разбирайте "свиря си"

Редактирано от Fenix

Имам една много добра статия по отношение на планирането - само да я намеря и ще я поустна. Ама къде съм я закучил... :killyou:

  AXE написа:
Имам една много добра статия по отношение на планирането - само да я намеря и ще я поустна. Ама къде съм я закучил... :killyou:

Аз също имам една. Мисля сега да я поустна:



"Go play"


  Doug Marks написа:
Imagine a goal that you believe can be attained by September. It doesn't need to be extremely challenging but can be. That's up to you. The goal can be as simple as "I would like to learn three new songs" or the goal can be more challenging, as in "I plan to play in a band this fall." Make a list of what needs to be done to attain this goal. If you want to learn three new songs your list might include: 1) Decide which three songs I want to learn. 2) Purchase the recordings. 3) Find accurate tab for the songs.


Your list should be detailed and ongoing. By ongoing I mean your list may initially have twenty tasks but over time it may grow to more than a hundred. Once your initial list is complete you should calendar the tasks. I use Microsoft Outlook for this because it has an excellent calendar feature that allows you to view plans by the day, week or month.


Then, set aside an hour each week to review what you accomplished last week and what you plan to accomplish this week. Decide what is to be done each day of the week to attain your September goal. For example, I made my plan for this week on Monday morning. I decided that I would write this newsletter on Tuesday. Oops- since today's Thursday that's not a very good example, is it? Actually, this brings me to my next point.


You've heard about setting goals many times and probably started lists similar to this before. Then, you got tired of failing to meet deadlines and became discouraged. So, you stopped setting goals altogether. That's because you didn't realize that succeeding is more about dealing with failure than dealing with success. Success is about failing and learning how to overcome that failure to move on to the next step. The path to success is often paved with failure.


Go back to the paragraph where I asked you to decide on a goal and list the steps necessary to attain it. I'm asking you to go back to that paragraph because I doubt if you actually made the list the first time. This time, actually do it. You have made lists in the past, but this time it will be different. You will expect to fail along the way. For example, if you think you're going to have something completed in a week it may take a month. That's okay because this time you're going to fail your way to success. You must develop the patience and determination to work through failure until you succeed. I'll guarantee you this: make a list, put together a calendar and you will accomplish ten times more than if you don't make this list. You will accomplish ten times more and may still fail to reach your ultimate goal. So, is that really failure?


We all set unrealistic goals but this can still lead to victory. In the Complete Basic Course I talked about a goal I set for myself playing golf. I decided that my goal would be to shoot a particular score by a given date. To accomplish this goal I decided to do whatever it took. I told this to my golfing buddy and he said, "You better start taking lessons right now." And he was right. I reached my goal even before the given date. In hindsight, part of the reason I succeeded so easily was that I picked a pretty simple goal.


I had a similar experience three years ago and it also involved playing golf. I was having a drink with one of my golfing buddies after a bad round and he said to me, "You are so bad that you haven't even beat me once in the last three years. I'll bet you a hundred dollars that you can't beat me once in the next four games we play." Once again, I used my "whatever it takes" philosophy and not only did I win the hundred dollars but the guy hasn't beaten me once since then. That started my next obsession. I decided to become a good golfer and I defined a good golfer as someone who can consistently shoot in the 80's. My goal was to do this within a year. Talk about failure. For three years I totally failed to attain my goal even though I took lessons and practiced relentlessly. I just didn't know how difficult the goal was. Even though I failed to accomplish my goal for three years I have finally succeeded.


Many of you have experienced the same thing playing guitar. You figured you would master it quickly then learned that it was more difficult than you imagined. I started playing guitar when I was thirteen and thought I would be great in a year or two. Wrong. I couldn't play a decent lead until I was twenty-two. The reason for this was I never had the right instructor and there wasn't anything similar to Metal Method at the time. An excellent instructor (or good course) can put you on the right path and show you in a few months what might take years to accomplish otherwise. Of course there are instructors that are such poor teachers that you're better off struggling on your own.


The first time I tried teaching guitar I wasn't very good at it. After teaching for a few months every one of my students lost interest and quit playing. That's how bad I was. The only thing good that came out of that experience (for me) was I was able to buy my student's equipment for cheap after they quit playing.


A few years later I decided to try teaching again. This time I realized where I failed the first time - I didn't accept responsibility for teaching my students. They obviously wanted to learn so this time I accepted it as my responsibility to make sure that they did.


I found that all I had to do to motivate them was to teach them what they wanted to learn, not what I thought they should learn. There's plenty of time for theory and technique later; first students need to have fun playing guitar. I taught my second group of students a song or at least a part of a song during their first lesson. After that I let them determine their own direction. The second time I gave lessons I was so successful that I'm still doing it today.


Although I've been doing Metal Method guitar lessons for over twenty years I still deal with failure on a regular basis. My most recent revision of Classic Metal Licks needed to be recorded three times before I got it right. And notice I said "revision." I created the first version of the lesson twenty years ago and I'm still managing to fail with it! Even so, I'm very happy with the revised version of Classic Metal Licks and consider it well worth the effort.


So that's it. Accept failure as the path to success and you'll do okay. Make your lists and get started now. If you want to become a better guitarist this summer check out my lessons but don't wait until next week to order. If you want to become a better player this summer get started now.


Това е един нюзлетър от www.metalmethod.com


Абе все едно да планираш колко пъти шъ опрайш някоя мадама и в кои дни от седмицата?!?!?!заеби тез овчи мераци...като ти се свири свириш като не ти се свири не свириш.или Имаш време свириш , нямаш крава пак пиеш мляко.... :think:

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