Публикувано Юни 6, 2024 Публикувано Юни 6, 2024 Roland VS 1680 hard disk recorder - 16 tracks - XLR inputs (phantom power can be switched on) - Inputs 3-8 TRS jack - Hi-Z input - RCA stereo master out, Aux A, Aux B, monitor; switchable to outputs - - Digital in/out Opt. Toslink and SDIF - Instead of the original HDD, a CompactFlash memory card (8 GB inserted) is used as a data storage device: since partitions with 2.1 GB can be managed, cards up to 10 GB can be used sensibly. - Fan can be switched off (constantly, only for recording, not at all) - USB stick with instructions, circuits and software that allows the tracks to be edited on a computer. - additional GB formatted CampactFlashCardView the full article
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