Egon Отговорено Август 22, 2005 Отговорено Август 22, 2005 Муцунка, за Рипър Оуенс само добри неща. . . страхотно попадение за роксцената, което едва ли би се случило в световен план, ако Judas не поже;лаха да се възродят и без Хлфорд и ако той не ги беше напуснал преди това Всяко лошо за добро, дет се вика. Цитирай
YtseJam Отговорено Септември 1, 2005 Отговорено Септември 1, 2005 Понеже още си спомням колко категорично отрекоха Джеймс ЛаБри някои познавачи в тази тема, искам да постна тази част от интервю с него, в което има много интересни факти за гласа му: написа: When I read the press release it said the song "Crucify" had to do with your rupturing a vocal chord. Geez, I don't know where somebody got that. I did have a vocal chord rupture. In 1994 I was in Cuba with my wife, a Christmas present from my wife, and now she regrets it. But anyway, when I was down in Cuba I got food poisoning, severely, severely sick, and in being sick I was getting rid what was inside of me and eventually came to the point where I had no more liquid in me, and so I had the dry heaves. And throughout that situation, I remember this note flying out of my voice, and then I had no voice for three days. And I went and saw three ear-nose-and-throat specialists, and they all said I don't have [irreparable] damage but . . . they had no idea how long it was going to take for my voice to completely recover from it. And to be quite honest from you, it wasn't until two years ago that I actually felt that my voice had come back to its full strength and the range had come back to me. For almost 10 years you were dealing with this? Oh my God, absolutely. If you think about it, if that was December '94 and before we went to Cuba we had just finished the first leg of the Awake tour in the U.S., and I remember singing the first leg before the accident, feeling great. My voice was tiptop, amazing, I felt great every night, and then I had this accident, and 10 days after the accident I was in Japan singing, and I was like a completely different singer. My voice was cracking, I didn't have the range anymore, I didn't have the power anymore, I was freaking out, and it kind of created the singer I had to become and deal with for up until two years ago. I was constantly dealing with inconsistencies live, where I'd have a good night, and I'd have a crap night. I'd have a good night, and then a real bad night. And just being a shadow of what I was vocally. And it was really a dark, dark period for me. I was miserable, I was really depressed. I didn't know if I'd ever get my voice back, that's why I kept seeing every so often, every two years seeing a throat specialist, [asking], "What the hell's going on here? Really, is there something that I can do to expedite the recovery? What is this convalescence, is it gonna be forever?" They said, "It won't be forever, but it will probably seem forever to you." I tip my hat to the guys in Dream Theater, because they were very understanding, and I'm sure there was a certain level of frustration as well [he chuckles], because they had to deal with the fact that I wasn't being able to put out 100% that I used to, and I was maybe singing at 70% of my capacity of my level I was once at. So I had to deal with a lot of bullshit. And then on top of that-and I don't blame the people, because people are only taking you for what you are in that point in time-having to read reviews and seeing, "Oh, his voice was weak here, and he wasn't happening," but it was the truth. Eventually it did come around like the doctors told me. They said, "No, don't worry about it. It's not like you've got nodes and you've got to get operated on. It's nothing that we can just give you the miracle drug and you've got the cure. It's gonna be over a period of time . . . If you could stop singing for a year or so, that would help." I was thinking, "You had to keep singing that whole time." Yeah, we were constantly touring, we were recording another album. That was our schedule, that was our reality, and I couldn't really change that, and I don't think we were ever in a position where I could say, "Well, I'm gonna go away for a year guys, and I'm not gonna talk or sing or do anything." It really wasn't an option for this band. It could be an option now, because we've been in the business for so long. Now everything's back and now I'm feeling great about my voice, and it shows on an album like "Elements of Persuasion" that the power's back, the range is back. Also, to add to that, I went back two-and-a-half years ago and I started studying again with a girl by the name of Victoria Thompson. And she's amazing. She's an opera singer, has been for 25 years. She listened to me and said, "No, don't worry about it. I will get you back, you just have to learn how to sing and sing properly, and do things the right way." I thought I had been, but she said, "No, you haven't been . . . Sit with me and study with me for three weeks, and tell me if I'm not right." I could feel it easily within the three weeks that what she was showing me vocally and the technique, it really was making a difference, and it brought back not only the capability of being able to sing-and I think I'm singing better now that I ever have, and it just keeps getting better-I think it also gave me a renewed sense of confidence, which I think I had been lacking for such a long time because I didn't know from one night to the next what my voice was going to give me. Some nights it would be there and it would be great, and some nights [he whistles like something dropping from the sky]. Wow. Did you ever consider leaving the band? No. I didn't because I was just so in love with what we were doing musically. No, I didn't consider leaving that band, but I'm sure that, who knows, would it have been the right thing for me to do? I don't know. I can't answer that. Maybe the other guys in the band could answer that. Like I said, they were really supportive and understanding, but I'm sure at times they were very frustrated because they knew that if the accident hadn't happened, I'd be able to give them much more. I think at times it did a kind of a slant on the band. It was really unfortunate, but we trumped through it. In going into the studio, was it easier to sing, because you could do several takes while recording? Yeah, the studio is the perfect environment. But even then, I still remember singing "Falling Into Infinity"-that whole album, first of all, it was a real dark period for the band, because we were going through a management change, the label was going through a personnel change, so we had different people representing us. It was just a real twisted time in our career. But I still remember recording an album like that and going, "Geez, you know, I can hear myself, if my voice was back to its full level I could hear myself singing that song different or that song," or " 'Lines in the Sand' would sound more like this, 'Trial of Tears' I would have sang like this." I could hear myself, and I knew that deep down inside I would have probably presented myself differently. But I had to work with the level that I was at and how much my voice had recovered at that particular point. So yeah, I had to dig deep down inside and really find the strength to keep going, and I think it was just simply because I knew I still loved being involved in music and being involved in a band like Dream Theater. Whatever. I think we've dwelled on it long enough. Цитирай
imperor Отговорено Септември 1, 2005 Отговорено Септември 1, 2005 muzunka написа: a kakvo ste kajesh za Tim ,Ripper' Owen Цитирай
Anakon Отговорено Септември 2, 2005 Отговорено Септември 2, 2005 Май никой не се сети да спомене мацката от Skunk Anansie ..няма такъв втори глас! Цитирай
Katsko Отговорено Септември 2, 2005 Отговорено Септември 2, 2005 а кво ше кажете за Лучано Павароти Цитирай
RonCarter Отговорено Септември 2, 2005 Отговорено Септември 2, 2005 Някой да е слушал Cezaria Evora? Какъв глас вади тая баба Цитирай
Geo Отговорено Септември 2, 2005 Отговорено Септември 2, 2005 Най-любимият ми вокал в пълния смисъл на това понятие е и си остава All Jarreau.Също така мисля,че едва ли ще се роди втори като него. Странно е,че никой не споменава Елтън Джон(аз не го харесвам),но е световно признат.Джордж Бенсън и компания също не лъжат. Цитирай
Mephistofel Отговорено Септември 6, 2005 Отговорено Септември 6, 2005 F.I.N.E. написа: Фернандо Рибейро (MOONSPELL) Ей заради този човечец печелиш почерпка - Moonspell са една от любимите ми депресарски групи! :inlove: Цитирай
Steve_Vai Отговорено Септември 6, 2005 Отговорено Септември 6, 2005 Anakon написа: Май никой не се сети да спомене мацката от Skunk Anansie ..няма такъв втори глас! Skin е прекрасна и в соловите си неща! Цитирай
RockoBG Отговорено Септември 6, 2005 Отговорено Септември 6, 2005 (Редактирано) DIO Редактирано Септември 6, 2005 от RockoBG Цитирай
Kelly Отговорено Септември 6, 2005 Отговорено Септември 6, 2005 (Редактирано) Katsko написа: а кво ше кажете за Лучано Павароти думите са излишни просто.... то е ясно-> велик човек,велик глас ........класика в жанра :violin: а с Хосе Карерас и Пласиго Доминго става направо 3 в 1 -неочаквано добра комбинация :violin: или по-скоро очаквано добра...съвършено добра комбинация Редактирано Септември 6, 2005 от Jolene Цитирай
Katsko Отговорено Септември 6, 2005 Отговорено Септември 6, 2005 ами то има и български световно известни оперни певци,ама едва ли много хора тука са ги чували(без да се заяждам) Цитирай
Kelly Отговорено Септември 6, 2005 Отговорено Септември 6, 2005 и за жалост някои от най-големите са починали..примерно Николай Гяуров или Гена Димитрова...лека им пръст Но наистина България си има страшно много добри оперни певци,но все по-малко младото поколение ходи на опера,театър и т.н.,което е определено притесняващо (леле,говоря като някоя баба ) Цитирай
Egon Отговорено Септември 14, 2005 Отговорено Септември 14, 2005 Скин е много яка певица, спор няма. Нов се повече се убеждавам до каква степен Дио е важен и повлиял върхи хардпеенето, това ланде, Ален от Симфони...просто толкова много ДИО, преди това дамата Доро, за Тони Мартин - ясно. За Лабри аз вече се изкавах достатъчно, няма смисъл отново. Сезария Евора е интересен феномен, но като чуеш 2 албума и вече ги бъркаш; нещото, което също ми пречи е тази мудност на музиката, което си е търсен стил (макар че не си я представям как пее агресивно или насечено), но е доста равно и става чудно за фон...а музиката, която става за фон...нали знаете, откъм музикантска гледна точка....тц. Аре със здраве. Цитирай
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