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Всички тези курсове и книги не могат по никакъв начин да заместят работата с педагог! Но подобен списък може да бъде полезен за хора, които нямат възможност за уроци или такива, които искат да се образоват успоредно с уроците. Така или иначе има за всекиго по нещо. Не съм обвързан с нито един от споменатите автори и не печеля нищо от качването на тази информация. Искрено се надявам този списък да бъде полезен на някого! Ще се радвам ако се намерят и други хора, които да допринесат с други източници. Има много такива теми в други форуми и се получават ценни дискусии. Пак бих искал да повторя, уроците с вокален педагог са от първостепенно значение за развитието на един глас, подобни материали са второстепенни! :)


Самообучителни програми:

  1. The Pro Singer’s Vault – Phil Moufarrege
  2. Hybrid Vocal Technique – Eli Prinsen
  3. Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy – Ken Tamplin
  4. Raise Your Voice – Jaime Vendera
  5. The Four Pillars of Singing – Robert Lunte
  6. Let Your Voice Soar - Jeffrey Alani Stanfill
  7. Broadway Voicebox – Tom Burke
  8. Vendera Vocal Academy – Jaime Vendera
  9. Vocal Power - Gim Gilette
  10. Vocal Asylum – James Lugo
  11.  Sound Amazing Singing From The Diaphragm – Eric Arceneaux
  12.  The Total Singer – Lisa Popeil
  13.  Singing Tongue Lessons – Singing Mastermind
  14.  The Art of Screaming – Susan Carr
  15.  The Sabine Rock Voice – Elizabeth Sabine
  16.  Power, Path & Performance – Judy Rodman
  17.  Online Vocal School – Jeannie Deva



  1. Complete Vocal Technique – Catherine Sadolin
  2. Secrets of Singing – Jeffrey Allen
  3. The Baritone Voice; The Tenor Voice; The Soprano Voice – Anthony Frisell
  4. Can you sing a high c without straining – Thomas Appell
  5. Raise Your Voice; Raise Your Voice 2 – Jaime Vendera
  6. The Ultimate Breathing Workout – Jaime Vendera
  7. Vocal Insanity – James Lugo
  8. Set Your Voice Free – Roger Love
  9. Vocal Wisdom – Lamperti
  10.  The Four Voices of Man – Jerome Hines
  11.  Great Singers on Great Singing – Jerome Hines
  12.  Caruso’s Method of Voice Production
  13.  Strengthening Your Singing Voice – Elizabeth Sabine


Научни книги:

  1. Principles of Voice Production – Ingo Titze
  2. Bodymind and Voice Foundations Book – VoiceCare Network
  3. Singing and the Actor - Gillyanne Kayes
  4. Resonance in Singing – Donald Miller
  5. Practical Vocal Acoustics – Kenneth Bozeman
  6. The Structure of Singing – Richard Miller
  7. Teaching Good Singing – Dean Kaelin
  8. The Voice of the Mind – E.Herbert-Caesari
  9. The Science and Sensations of Vocal Tone - E.Herbert-Caesari
  10.  The New Voice – Alan Greene


Научни презентации:

  1. The Science of Vocal Bridges - John Henny
  2. The New Science of Singing – John Henny
  3. Belting explained: Vocal Process
  4. Twang The Techniques: Vocal Process
  5. Nasality and the Soft Palate: Vocal Process
  6. Constriction and Release: Vocal Process
  7. Professional Development Webinars: Vocal Process


Youtube канали:

  1. TenelliVoiceGuru: https://www.youtube.com/user/TenelliVoiceGuru/videos?sort=p&view=0&flow=grid
  2. Vocal Power: https://www.youtube.com/user/vocalpoweruk/videos
  3. Marnell Sample: https://www.youtube.com/user/VocalLiberation/videos
  4. Phil Moufarrege: https://www.youtube.com/user/philmoufarrege/videos
  5. Robert Sussuma: https://www.youtube.com/user/rsussuma/videos
  6. Tom Burke: https://www.youtube.com/user/Tomburkevoice/videos
  7. Jeffrey Alani Stanfill: https://www.youtube.com/user/alanivox/videos
  8. New York Vocal Coaching: https://www.youtube.com/user/NewYorkVocalCoaching/videos?view=0&sort=da&flow=grid
  9. Daniel Formica: https://www.youtube.com/user/danformica/videos?sort=da&flow=grid&view=0



  1. http://www.voiceteacher.com/pastarticles.html
  2. http://www.singwise.com/cgi-bin/main.pl?section=articles
  3. http://www.vocalist.org.uk/singing_articles.html
  4. http://vocalposture.com/
  5. http://www.vocalpower.co.uk/singing-tips/
  6. http://voicesoaring.com/blog/


Организации и други:

  1. Estill Voice International
  2. Complete Vocal Institute
  3. International Voice Teachers of Mix
  4. Institute for Vocal Advancement
  5. National Association of Teachers of Singing
  6. Speech Level Singing International


Курс за преподаватели:

  1. Voice Teacher Bootcamp – John Henny

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