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Testing A Novel Gesture-Based Mixing Interface

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Testing A Novel Gesture-Based Mixing Interface

With a digital audio workstation, in contrast to the traditional mouse-keyboard computer interface, hand gestures can be used to mix audio with eyes closed. Mixing with a visual representation of audio parameters during experiments led to broadening the panorama and a more intensive use of shelving equalizers. Listening tests proved that the use of hand gestures produces mixes that are aesthetically as good as those obtained using a mouse, keyboard, and MIDI controller. The human and artistic factor is an essential part of the art, which includes the way in which sound tools are controlled. Alternative means of control are part of sound art.

Authors: Lech, Michal; Kostek, Bozena
Affiliations: Multimedia Systems Department, Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland; Audio Acoustics Laboratory, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications & Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland


In this article, a sound-mixing system controlled by hand gestures recognized in a video
stream is presented. This novel approach to DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) controlling,
was motivated by the limited ergonomics of the computer mouse and keyboard interface,
as well as by the influence of audio information visualization on sound mixing. The article
reviews existing approaches to gesture controlled audio, and presents the engineered system
architecture and approach to gesture sonification. The methodology involved examining the
system with the help of professional audio engineers in tests conducted to assess, among others,
what influence the visualization of audio parameter values may have on mixing results. The
results of a questionnaire and the subjective assessment of the obtained mixes have been given.
The system efficiency and gesture recognition reliability have been assessed.



Редактирано от Parni_Valjak
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