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Всичко публикувано от Nekropanzer

  1. Nekropanzer

    Guitar Rig

    никой ли ...?
  2. Nekropanzer

    Guitar Rig

    Здравейте, имам въпрос, който сигурно е задаван 100 пъти вече, но търсачката не откри подобни резултати, а темата е бая голяма и не ми с рови из страниците. Става въпрос за следния проблем - наскоро сложих уиндоус 7 и не мога да се оправя с проклетата програма. Инсталирал съм я много пъти на ХР и съм я ползвал без проблеми, но на уин7 не мога да се преборя. Инсталирам асио-то, настройвам, махам спийкърите да не са дифолт, щото ако работи уинампа, например, риг-а ми дава not connected на аутпута в настройките на routing. Та, успях да го докарам до следното положение - самата програма има звук - чува се метронома и амп-овете фучат, но въобще не ебава че китарата е включена. Пробвах какво ли не - из настройките на звуковите устройства, микрофони, лайн-ин, разменях кое да е дифолт и т.н. , но НИЩО не става. Сигурно пропускам нещо дребно, сигурно е споменавано много пъти вече в темата, но ще съм адски благодарен, ако някой обясни кво да направя, щото се изнервих :Д
  3. !!! Destruktive Warmachine е мазало.
  4. Нали не щеше разпространение, бре ;р
  5. Малко блекарии Hammering bones maximum shellshock chaos death commandment fuck your hope Lifeless grin in delirium faceless fear , creeping through Scorn bombardment set this world in flames praise the ruins sacrifice to the aftermath fuck your hope ! --------------- A thousand nameless graves along the coast fires of a time long gone still burning far ahead on a path to imminent demise These sands have swallowed the sun its tomb bearing the mark of eternity flesh and bone, marrow and soul in haste down the chilling depths --------------------- Born under sin deprived from life state of cold consciousness jaws sinking deep end so near, set me free Blessings for the condemned ancient and dread spitting forth wisdom in blasphemy Release the tides of renewal cleansing through chaos the memory is fading end so near, I am free ------------------------- Shadowing years, granting us new dimensions of being as death becomes the only true form of existence we bestow eternal praise upon the horned throne spreading knowledge of self-possession and hate Endless cycle of our bloody war on the crimson battlefields the plagues are unleashed giving pain a new meaning pain without end In one's eyes this horror can't be reavealed completely so his blood shall serve s a carpet for the king and the new light will be granted to us those who saw the fall of his millenium His bloody wisdom we perceive hidden from the blinded ones who cannot grasp their own fate our mountain hides the golden grail that gives eternal life to the soul ----------------------------------- My eyes, stood open wide as I beheld the sky the wooden mass beneath me roared with each wave we clashed and the eagles flied, above our heads, aid us through the storms brave hearts we hold, for our homes and fathers, forth the shores, the lands await their sons. Brothers, this day steel shall dance, blood will taste, the soil shall feast, brothers, this day we die for glory. Follow the trails of the ancient Gods, these lands speak of barbaric tales, a new path scorched by days of war, this place holds the might. Woods and sky, all cry for blood and bones. We have left our homes the lands we praise and air we breathe behind us - childhood, wisdom and joy. We cross the seas, pierce the fogs forward to the shores of gold. Swords will clash, shields will bash brave shall die, the skies shall bleed sons of north, brothers of mine days will remember our glory and pride. In the mists of the highest mountains we ride to reach our flame and stars the morning rain will wash our sins our eyes are closed, our limbs are numb. Fire greets our beings, this ash is one with Mother Earth. ---------------------------- Once more the morbid rise to rebel against a world so rotten against a force so feeble without its shell and with lust the symbol is carved the burning finger ... And what happens when defences are down ? What were you then, and what can you achieve now ? We both die in the fray but one has the untouched pride So Walk with us on blazing fields stare into the eyes of the wolf what can you see? ( can you even see ?) the sin was never that pure and so close is perfection can you resist ? It's a hunger growing inside tearing apart all senses and mind the wolf is inside you follow the call it's a triumphant state of lust and scorn it's far from their truth but it tastes so good. ----------------- A circle of dead cattle feeding mortuary soil dressed in the cloak of the night pallind hands reach for the Moon In a shadow, burial lamp casts a symbol many ages ago here I died Surviving on dead air unravelled by time many ages ago here stood my grave Countless nights with my only lust quenching thirst with their roots I feel the shiver once more -------------------- Примерно... ;р
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